Chapter 1402 A disagreement, kiss (8)

The only person she was afraid of in this life was Chu Mubai. Now she felt that it would be better not to provoke this vicious man in front of her. After all, her life was the most important thing.

Qin Changting quietly wanted to run away, but Chu Yingchen glanced at her: "Where are you going?"

"Of course it's work. I didn't enter the Taiyuan Hospital for fun. I have to study medicine seriously and try to stay after three months." Qin Changting wanted to run after speaking.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yingchen twisted her back collar the next moment, and it was too late for her to run away.

"Let go of me, princess, what are you going to do?" Qin Changting struggled in Chu Yingchen's hands.

"Talk to me." So, under the gaze of the four women, Chu Yingchen twisted Qin Changting away.

Qin Changting really thought that Chu Yingchen really wanted to talk to him.

She was screwed behind a small flower pond, and Chu Yingchen let her go.

"Go and see if there is anyone around." Chu Yingchen ordered Qin Changting quietly.

In the past, Qin Changting would definitely give Chu Yingchen a hard time.

But after seeing Chu Yingchen's violent side, she felt sorry for her, and looked around for a while according to his wishes, before replying: "Don't talk about people, there isn't even a mouse..."

Before she could finish her sentence, something wet and disgusting suddenly appeared in her slightly parted lips.

The thing flowed wantonly in her mouth, found her tongue, and sucked brutally.

A strange feeling shot up from her toes, which made her weak and difficult to breathe.

She stayed where she was, staring wide-eyed at the face of the man in front of her.I saw him closing his eyes tightly, his eyelashes trembling slightly, as if he was very involved in the kiss...

Just as she was looking at him absent-mindedly, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a strange spark in his eyes, as hot as if he wanted to scald her.

When he bit her lower lip hard, pain hit her all over her body, and her sanity was pulled back by him in an instant.

For a moment, she blushed and her heart beat, she pushed Chu Yingchen away hard, feeling ashamed and angry: "Chu Yingchen, you bastard, do I allow you to touch me?!"

She tried her best to wipe her lips, and when she touched the blood, she got angry, kicked Chu Yingchen and said: "You shameless apprentice, do you bully others like this?"

He never kissed her before, he only flirted with other beauties in other mansions.

Did he take the wrong medicine today and kiss her without her consent?

"This king is your husband. No one dares to say no to kissing and touching you, and you can't either!" Chu Yingchen's eyes fixed on Qin Changting's plump lips, and his eyes gradually became darker.

He had been waiting for her to wake up, but she was lucky. She had been married to him for three years, but she didn't take him seriously at all.

A few days ago, I heard that the imperial hospital was going to recruit a group of female doctors, and she was so excited to enter the palace.

Who doesn't know that all the female doctors in Tai Hospital want to be Chu Mubai's women?
If he hadn't known that she didn't have that kind of thought for Chu Mubai, he would have wondered if she wanted to flatter Chu Mubai and abandon him.

After being teased by her for several days, he finally couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he agreed to her.

But when she thinks that she will learn medicine or poison in the future, her wings will harden, she will fly, and she will be farther and farther away from him.

I heard that Chu Mubai set up a stage for Han Shushu in the Imperial Hospital today, just to please a woman.

He was wondering if his method had been wrong all along.

(End of this chapter)

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