Chapter 1403 A disagreement, kiss (10)

She doesn't like intrigue, and she doesn't like to compete with many beauties for a man.She was afraid that in the end, she would end up in the same fate as her mother...

Qin Changting's calm heart was disturbed by a kiss from Chu Yingchen, and Han Shushu really fell asleep like this.

She suddenly opened her eyes because she remembered her situation.

When she jumped up and saw that there was no one in the crowded lobby before, she was dumbfounded.

It's all gone, how long has she been asleep?

After a while, her muddy mind finally cleared up.

She turned her beautiful eyes around, and then got up and got off the beauty couch: "Your Majesty, this humble servant will retire!"

I don't know if he will let her go after she enjoys Chu Mubai's dragon body like this.

Now that no outsiders are present, he shouldn't embarrass himself anymore, right?After all, there was no audience, so it would be meaningless for him to embarrass her, as it would not satisfy his perverted vanity.

"Aiqing slept comfortably just now, but my legs are so numb that I can't move." Chu Mubai opened his lips quietly, with a hint of resentment.

He just didn't say bluntly that she should give him a massage.

Han Shushu looked at the man's long legs.Alas, it is indeed a bit extortionate.

Such a beautiful pair of long legs was actually used by her as a pillow.

"Your majesty will be fine if you move a little bit. I still have something to do, so I will take my leave!"

She has already said she will resign several times, and if she does not resign, she will——

"Han Aiqing!!" Chu Mubai suddenly increased the volume, making Han Shushu's footsteps stagnate.

"Come here and help me stretch my muscles and bones. I'm not feeling well." Chu Mubai softened his voice again.

Han Shushu struggled for a while, but finally turned back to him and squatted in front of the beauty's bed to help him massage his legs.

"Heavier!" Chu Mubai ordered coldly.

Han Shushu increased his strength.The next moment, Chu Mubai said again: "Be gentle!"

Han Shushu was really angry, he was just teasing her on purpose.

Son of a bitch!
"How much does Han Aiqing love me?" Chu Mubai said, picking up Han Shushu's chin, making her face herself.

Han Shushu looked away, too lazy to pay attention.

She won't be fooled.

This man has to hang, otherwise he will have to bend his mind to climb the wall in the future.

In short, don't let him be too frightened.

"Why, you still dare to like men other than me?!" Chu Mubai's eyes darkened, thinking of Nangong.

This woman took the initiative to kiss Nangong, but she didn't take the initiative to kiss him. He always felt that he had no place in this woman's heart and could not compare to Nangong.

"The emperor has been playing for so long, is it enough?" Han Shushu patted Chu Mubai's hand away, intending to stay away from this man.

"I don't understand what Aiqing is saying." The next moment, Chu Mubai directly pressed Han Shushu on the beauty's couch, forming a posture of a man on top of a woman.

When his black hair fell on Han Shushu's cheek, Han Shushu was so itchy that he wanted to laugh.

She grinned the corners of her lips, and realized that something was wrong. Now they are still in the Tai Hospital, so if they see her and Chu Mubai in such a cold and immoral posture, they might be talked about.

She raised her neck nervously and looked around, making sure that no one was peeping before she felt relieved.

Then, the problem came again, the evil smile on the corner of Chu Mubai's lips made her heart beat non-stop.

It's cheating, it's a beauty trick.

When Chu Mubai didn't show off her beauty, she couldn't stand it anymore. At this moment, she felt that she was about to be turned into a puddle of water by his fiery eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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