Chapter 1423 Shred Her Innocence (1)

Lu Qingyun held Xiaocao's hand and looked at her brows and eyes with burning eyes.

He couldn't care less, now he just wanted to let go of Shi Xiuyu completely.

He believes that Xiaocao can help him, and at present, only Xiaocao can help him.

Xiaocao looked at Lu Qingyun in panic, and Chu Yun's face flashed in front of her eyes.

She thought of Chu Yun's appearance when he refused to marry him. He said categorically that he would never marry her in this life.

If she really has feelings for Chu Yun, but Chu Yun has no intention of her, why not just try to get close to other men?
How good is a man like Lu Qingyun?He has a bright future, handsome looks, and a good family background. I heard from Chu Mubai that among the four young masters, Lu Qingyun is the most talented.

What's more, Lu Qingyun is 22 years old, but he has never touched any woman.

Such men are rare in the world, aren't they?
"Xiaocao, give me a chance, and I won't let you down." Lu Qingyun said hoarsely, waiting nervously for Xiaocao to pronounce his fate.

Xiaocao hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't make a decision: "Let me think about it..."

"No, I'll take it as if you promised me." Lu Qingyun said, regardless of Xiaocao's willingness or not, he hugged her body tightly.

Xiaocao's round face was flushed red, she struggled in Lu Qingyun's arms: "Don't do this, this is in the palace, people come and go, people see it, it will damage my reputation..."

"I don't care, your reputation has been ruined by me, so you can only give me a chance." Lu Qingyun said domineeringly, his eyes were firm.

He is not a whim, he also has a liking for Xiaocao, although this liking is only in its infancy, but he knows that Xiaocao is his salvation.

With Xiaocao, he will definitely let go of that terrible woman Shi Xiuyu.

"All right, all right, let me go first, I'll just promise you." Xiaocao really couldn't resist Lu Qingyun, so he could only let go.

That's all, just give yourself a chance to see the world.

Didn't Shu Shu always say that every woman should have more romantic relationships?She's already twenty, and she hasn't smelled the smell of a man so far, so she should improve a bit.

When Lu Qingyun heard the words, he was so happy that he hugged Xiaocao and turned around, making Xiaocao dumbfounded.

After that, Lu Qingyun's gaze never left Xiaocao's face, Xiaocao's face became hot, it was because Lu Qingyun's gaze was too straightforward.

She has never been looked at by anyone with such admiration in her life. It would be a lie to say that she is not nervous.

She vaguely remembered that when Chu Yun kissed her one day when he was drunk, her heart beat very fast.If Chu Yun looked at her with such eyes, would she be so nervous?
Realizing that she thought of someone she shouldn't have thought of, Xiaocao hastily stopped her thoughts.

After a few days, because she got along with Lu Qingyun day and night, Xiaocao discovered that this man has many advantages.

Lu Qingyun is very knowledgeable and knows everything. Every time she looks at Lu Qingyun with amazed eyes, Lu Qingyun will make fun of her, saying that she has fallen in love with him.

Lu Qingyun is always very focused when looking at her, making her feel that she is also a woman who is valued.

Maybe it was because of vanity, but she especially liked the way Lu Qingyun focused when he looked at her.It seems that in his eyes, she is his most beautiful scenery.

Occasionally, she would think of Chu Yun, but Chu Yun never appeared again, and she immediately felt that she was being troubled by others.

Since Chu Yun doesn't care about her at all, why does she still think about someone who doesn't like her?

(End of this chapter)

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