Chapter 1424 Shred Her Innocence (2)

After that, Xiaocao looked away.

As Han Shushu said, if a woman can meet a man who treats her sincerely, there is nothing wrong with falling in love.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

That night, Han Shushu was ordered to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation again.

She looked at Chu Yun, who stood aside with straight eyes, and sighed secretly.

Chi'er, Chi'er, Xiaocao has been abducted by Lu Qingyun, and he hasn't figured it out yet.

I'm afraid that when Chu Yun figured it out, all the little grass children would be born, right?
She also knew that Chu Yun's IQ was seriously owed, but she didn't expect that he couldn't understand such a simple truth after thinking about it for a few days.

"Has Chu Yun always been like this?" Han Shushu asked Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai nodded: "It's been like this for the past few days. He's out of his mind. He has followed me for many years, and this time he really encountered a problem."

When Han Shushu heard this, he really couldn't stand it.

She walked up to Chu Yun, straightened his shoulders, and said word by word: "Chu Yun, listen to me carefully now. Xiaocao is now dating Lu Qingyun. If their relationship goes well, they should get married at the end of the year, right?" If you like her, you can snatch her back from Lu Qingyun..."

"I don't like her." Chu Yun interrupted Han Shushu.

Han Shushu was taken aback when she heard this, she sneered and hooked her lips: "Okay, you said it. When Xiaocao marries Lu Qingyun, don't regret it!"

Had she been Xiaocao, she would have chosen another lover.

Chu Yun is indeed a stubborn person.

One thing he identified was the truth of death.

Just like when Chu Yun believed that she would harm Chu Mubai back then, every time Chu Yun saw her, he would sneer at her.If it hadn't been for all kinds of changes later, how could Chu Yun change his view of her?

A woman's youth is limited.

When Chu Yun figured out that he liked Xiaocao, wouldn't he have to wait until Xiaocao's hair turned gray and her teeth fell out?
Now she only hopes that Xiaocao's emotional journey will be smoother.

In fact, Lu Qingyun is really good, with a good family background, appearance, and character, and he is worthy of Xiaocao.

Why should she add trouble to it?
But I don't know why, but my heart is full of breath, very unhappy.

When Han Shushu was dragged to the dragon couch by Chu Mubai, she was still angry.

"What are you doing?!" She belatedly realized that Chu Mubai was taking off her clothes.

"I ordered you to come here to sleep with you, not to make you miss other men!" Chu Mubai pursed his lips softly.

He was right in front of her, but she was fine, all her thoughts were on Chu Yun.

"I'm not in the mood to serve any bed today." Han Shushu got up abruptly, intending to go to Xiaocao to check on Xiaocao's situation.

"Han Aiqing, if you dare to take half a step out of the bedroom, I won't let you get out of bed tomorrow!" Chu Mubai opened his lips softly, looking at Han Shushu's back.

Han Shushu was only thinking about Xiaocao, and didn't listen to Chu Mubai's threat at all.

It wasn't until Chu Mubai dragged her back to the dragon couch and firmly suppressed her limbs that she hadn't entered the state yet.

"Your Majesty, I really need Xiaocao for something. Can I serve you next time?" Han Shushu just said, when Chu Mubai, who was taking off her dress, suddenly tore her dress into pieces. debris.

She was immediately discouraged.

It seems that she managed to piss off Chu Mubai again...

Regent House.

After eating and drinking, Qin Changting watched the medicine for a while.

Nanny Rong got ready for the bath, she let Nanny Rong help her take off her dress, and jumped into the tub.

(End of this chapter)

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