Chapter 1443

Seeing Han Shushu standing still, Wanxin simply pushed Han Shushu to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai naturally wrapped Han Shushu's body tightly with the cloak, and after strokes up and down, he secretly rejoiced that the size fit him well.

"The weather is getting colder, and I just didn't want to pay attention to the government affairs, so I simply made a cloak for you..."

Before Chu Mu finished speaking, Han Shushu pushed him away and ran away like this.

Chu Mubai's hands were still frozen in the air, and he smiled wryly.

Is she still unwilling to forgive him?In the end, he did it to himself and broke her heart?

Under Chu Mubai's signal, Wanxin also chased out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and followed closely behind Han Shushu.

After observing the words and expressions for a while, Wanxin asked in a low voice: "Does the lady still hate the emperor?"

Han Shushu shook his head.

She didn't resent him, she just felt that she was not worthy of his kindness to her.

"Why is that girl unhappy?" Wanxin carefully probed again.

Han Shushu wrapped the cloak tightly around his body, feeling warm both in his body and in his heart.

She glanced at Wanxin, and replied quietly: "Who said I'm not happy?"

Wanxin was a little confused when she heard this.

Does that mean happy?

Since you are happy, why run away? Shouldn't you promise Chu Mubai your body? !
After Wanxin sent Han Shushu back to the South Courtyard, she still couldn't think of a reason, so she returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to return to her life.

"The girl said she was not unhappy. Judging by the girl's appearance, she must have forgiven the emperor, right?" Seeing Chu Mubai's unpredictable expression, Wanxin felt a little panicked.

"Probably because I didn't do well enough, I will continue to work hard tomorrow." Chu Mubai replied lightly, and lay down on the dragon bed with his clothes together.

He has never done this thing of coaxing a woman before, and if he didn't do it well enough, he will just work harder next time, it's not a big deal.

Wanxin was horrified when she heard Chu Mubai's words.

Chu Mubai, who has always had a bad temper, actually said that he will continue to work hard tomorrow?Did she hear correctly?

Early the next morning, when Chu Mubai did not go to the morning court, but went to the South Courtyard to look for Han Shushu, Wanxin was very conflicted.

Chu Yun has been very decadent recently, so she has to wait on her.

"Your Majesty, if you don't go to court today, it will be the third day. It won't work like this." Wanxin followed Chu Mubai bitterly, hoping that Chu Mubai would stop playing.

"I am the emperor, if I want to rest for a few days and not go to court, who dares to say no?!" Chu Mubai asked coldly.

Wanxin lowered her head, the current emperor has said so, what can a little palace maid like her say?
But she didn't understand why she came to the south courtyard so early.At this hour, Han Shushu should not have gotten up yet, right?
It wasn't until Chu Mubai went to the kitchen familiarly and chased away Xiaocao who was making breakfast, that Wanxin knew that Chu Mubai was going to cook for herself.

After breakfast was ready, Chu Mubai sat in front of the couch again, looking contentedly at Han Shushu's peaceful sleeping face.

If I was upset every day a few days ago, I feel very peaceful at this moment.How could he be willing to push her away?
When Han Shushu opened his eyes, he was still sleepy.

Looking at a man sitting in front of the couch, she thought for a moment that she was dreaming.When she touched the other person's face and felt the warmth, she immediately withdrew her hands and looked at Chu Mubai with wide eyes: "Why is the emperor here?"

At this time, shouldn't he go to court early?

Chu Mubai directly pulled Han Shushu's body and let her sit in front of the couch. He squatted in front of her to help her put on the embroidered shoes, and then helped her change her clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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