Chapter 1444

Xiao Yuanbao also woke up, staring in a daze at the warm scene in front of him.

Seeing that Chu Mubai helped Han Shushu finish dressing, the little guy stretched out his round arms to Chu Mubai, and acted softly: "My son wants father to change his clothes!"

Chu Mubai gave Yuan Bao a cold look: "Aren't you so grown up with no hands? Change it yourself!"

Little Yuanbao slumped down.His mother is older than him, why can Chu Mubai help Han Shushu change clothes, but can bear to reject such a young child?

"Yuanbao, I'll help you change your clothes..." Han Shushu just opened his mouth, but was pulled away by Chu Mubai.

When Han Shushu saw that Chu Mubai wanted to wash herself, she was afraid that her life would be lost, so she hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I will do it myself!"

Chu Mubai turned a deaf ear and kept busy.

After helping Han Shushu wash his face and rinse his mouth, Chu Mubai took Han Shushu's hand and went to the dining room.

Xiao Yuanbao followed behind his parents lonely, thinking that he might be a picked child and not valued by his parents at all.

When Han Shushu had breakfast, he knew it was Chu Mubai's handwriting when he tasted the taste.

This is Chu Mubai's yam lean meat porridge, which has the effect of nourishing the stomach.This is not a good porridge that can be cooked in a short while. Didn't this person go to court again?

"Did the emperor not go to court again today?" Han Shushu asked in a hoarse voice.

He didn't go to the morning court, but ran to the south courtyard to serve her. What exactly does this person want? !

How to make it like this!

"I don't want to go." Chu Mubai replied calmly, busy serving Han Shushu with vegetables.

"The emperor is the emperor, you can't be so capricious. Today is the last time, and tomorrow we have to go to court seriously." Han Shushu said with a straight face.

Chu Mubai didn't speak, as if he didn't hear.

Han Shushu calmed down and said again: "Does the emperor want to be a foolish king? Only a foolish king will delay the government for a woman."

"It's good to be a fool." Chu Mubai smiled and pinched Han Shushu's bulging cheeks.

Han Shushu was speechless for a moment, and it was hard to believe that this was what Chu Mubai would say.

Seeing Han Shushu's stunned expression, Chu Mubai's lips curved into a smile.

In the end, this method is still effective, just stalk her, and a woman is just soft-hearted.

"A few days ago, I always felt that I shouldn't pay too much attention to a woman. I felt that this was not what a wise gentleman should do, so I ignored you. But after I left you in the cold, I was not happy, and I had no intention of governing. I was thinking, I probably I like Aiqing so much. Aiqing is angry, I understand. I have neglected Aiqing for ten days, and I will make up for Aiqing for ten days. During this period, I do nothing, just stay with Aiqing, The government can be temporarily handed over to the Regent."

Chu Mubai said again in a low voice.

Han Shushu was terrified when she heard this, and she hurriedly said: "I don't blame the emperor, I was very happy when I received the cloak made by the emperor himself yesterday."

She was still thinking about repaying his love with her body tonight.

If I had known that she would have dedicated herself to it last night, there was no need to make a big deal out of it.

"I've made up my mind, just do it!" Chu Mubai ordered quietly.

After that, Han Shushu went to Tai Hospital, but Chu Mubai also followed him to Tai Hospital.

As soon as Chu Mubai entered the imperial hospital, a roomful of people knelt down immediately.

"Everyone is busy with their own affairs, so don't pay attention to me. I came to the Imperial Hospital today to learn about pharmacology from Han Aiqing." Chu Mubai opened his lips indifferently, avoiding everyone's courtesy.

After that, whatever Han Shushu did, Chu Mubai would follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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