Chapter 1445

When Han Shushu wrote down the prescription, Chu Mubai took the medicine according to the prescription.Although the movements are a bit clumsy, but helplessly, he is smart and knows what to learn.

Seeing Chu Mubai like this, Han Shushu deeply felt that his IQ had been severely crushed.

It seems that as long as Chu Mubai learns one thing seriously, he can do it well.

A man can even sew, what else can't he learn?

Because Chu Mubai came to Tai Hospital suddenly, this made the four beauties very happy.

The four sisters tried their best to attract Chu Mubai's attention, but Chu Mubai never looked at them from the moment they entered the Imperial Hospital.

This frustrates everyone.

It's not that Chu Mubai doesn't like women, but that the only woman he likes is Han Shushu.

He didn't look at them, but he rarely took his eyes off Han Shushu's face.

In addition, Chu Mubai has issued an imperial edict.Due to the depressed mood recently, he was unable to concentrate on handling the government affairs, so he simply asked the regent to take care of the government affairs on his behalf.As for Chu Mubai himself, he had to relax and nourish his mind.

The so-called distraction is just to be Han Shushu's follower.

Whatever Han Shushu did, Chu Mubai followed suit.

Even when Han Shushu was going to the Sizhi Bureau to see Luo Zhangzhi, Chu Mubai also took on the responsibility of being a drug boy.

At first Han Shushu learned how to persuade him, but when he saw Chu Mubai smiling, he let him go.

Maybe it's been a long time to be an emperor, and it's really a bit boring, so I need to find other things for a change.

And Chu Mubai's taste is weirder than ordinary people, she should get used to it.

I heard that when Chu Mubai came to the Si Zhi Bureau, the Si Zhi Bureau was in full swing.

It is rare for Chu Mubai to visit the Sizhi Bureau throughout the year, and everyone is excited when Sheng Jia comes.

Han Shushu didn't bother to care about Chu Mubai's ostentation, so she asked someone to lead the way to the resting place where Luo Zhangzhi was, and saw Luo Zhangzhi.

When Luo Zhangzhi saw Chu Mubai, he struggled to get up and wanted to salute, but Chu Mubai stopped him: "I am here today to see a doctor for you, so there is no need to be polite."

Luo Zhangzhi had never had such grace before, she was so excited that she fainted.

Han Shushu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this situation.

"Look at the good things the emperor has done. He was already ill, but when the emperor came, he made Luo Zhangzhi's condition worse." Han Shushu helplessly laughed.

Chu Mubai also found it funny.

Normally, he doesn't like to go out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and occasionally goes to the Imperial Garden. It's really rare to come to such places.

"Will you not be my servant?" Chu Mubai blurted out and asked, looking at Han Shushu's charming smile.

He wanted her to be his woman, not his subject.

Han Shushu laughed when he heard this.

She remembered that last time, just because she said something like this, this narrow-minded man held a grudge in his heart, and even used other women to get angry at her.

There can be no more misunderstandings this time.

"It's good to be a courtier of the emperor. You can relieve the emperor's worries and labors. Why not?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai and said.

Chu Mubai couldn't find the words to refute for a moment.

"In fact, women should also have their own careers, and should not always depend on men to live. Like the emperor, when he wants to snub his ministers, he ignores them, and when he thinks of them, he comes to coax them. Waiting for the emperor to show pity in his eyes, I am afraid that the emperor will soon be annoyed, right?"

Han Shushu said again with a smile.

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu in a daze, thinking that this made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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