Chapter 1446

If Han Shushu was like other women in the harem, he probably wouldn't be fascinated by her.

Women still need to have their own personality.

Han Shushu probably has too much personality, and he is not nervous at all, which makes Chu Mubai at a loss.

"Hearing your resentful tone, I'd better not neglect you in the future. There are not many women who are so narrow-minded like you." Chu Mubai said, ruffling Han Shushu's beautiful hair.

In a few days, he will give her a title no matter if she wants to or not.

For the next time, Chu Mubai watched Han Shushu's consultation.

It's not like I haven't seen her seeing a doctor before, but looking at her now, I can only feel that she is so focused on seeing a doctor that he really can't take his eyes off.

If she is really allowed to live in a lifeless palace, I am afraid that she will give in to her.

"Shu Shu, no matter what you want to do in the future, I will support you." Chu Mubai moved closer to Han Shushu and listened to her.

Han Shushu was taken aback, was Chu Mubai calling "I" just now?

Since he recovered from his illness, he has been calling himself "Zhen" in front of her, and finally changed his address today?
She pursed her lips and smiled uncontrollably across her face.

Seeing her smiling so happily, Chu Mubai didn't understand why.He just said that he will support her in the future, so is she satisfied?

The news about Chu Mubai being Han Shushu's follower quickly spread throughout the palace.

Those who should know know it, and those who want to hate are naturally jealous.

Qin Ruyu's temper has become more and more irritable recently, and she knows that she has begun to lose control.

What she knew was actually because the body she was attached to started to make trouble again.Last time she survived for five years, this time, she might not be able to survive for so long.

If she could have obtained Han Shushu's body back then, she would not have ended up like this.

So, how could she not hate Han Shushu?

Han Shushu not only robbed her of a man, but also robbed her of her body. That woman was like her old enemy, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of her.

Chu Mubai became more and more indifferent to her.In the beginning, she was allowed to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but now she shows her favor frequently, but she can't step into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Fortunately for Han Shushu, Chu Mubai actually stuck to the door.

Chu Mubai completely let go of government affairs for Han Shushu, just to get along with her all the time and please that woman.

Why doesn't this make her hate it?
Qin Ruyu had a splitting headache, swept the tea set off the table, and screamed loudly to vent.

All the palace people in Yincui Palace stayed far away, for fear of being caught and beaten by Qin Ruyu.

"Come here!!" Qin Ruyu shouted.

Xiaozhu timidly knelt down in front of Qin Ruyu: "Your servant is here."

"Go to Han Shushu and tell me that I am seriously ill and that only she can cure my illness. If you can't invite her, I will have your skin peeled off!!" Qin Ruyu yelled out of control.

How dare Xiao Zhu refuse to obey, she rushed out of Yincui Palace with the order.

She ran to the Tai Hospital, and the imperial doctor at the Tai Hospital said that Han Shushu had gone to the Sizhi Bureau for consultation.

Maybe she's going to the bureau to snatch people, right?
After asking about the time, Xiaozhu simply waited outside the imperial hospital.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, I saw Han Shushu heading towards the Tai Hospital.

Xiaozhu rushed forward excitedly, but when she saw that there was another person behind Han Shushu, she was so frightened that she fell to her knees.

Han Shushu was not used to being bowed down like this, and since Xiaozhu was a palace servant of Yincui Palace, he knew that Qin Ruyu was looking for him.

(End of this chapter)

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