The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1461 He Gives Everything She Wants

Chapter 1461 He Gives Everything She Wants (4)

Han Shushu hurriedly stopped Chu Mubai and said, "Don't, doing exercise after eating is not good for your health. I want to see the night view here..."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly jumped up and flew up to the palace.

Chu Mubai then followed and sat down beside her.I saw that her little hand was still grabbing a chicken leg, she took a bite, and handed it to his lips to tempt him: "Take a bite, an indirect kiss."

Chu Mubai took a bite and smiled.

Sitting with her like this, looking at the glazed lake on this winter night, looking at this palace that belongs to him and her, there is really a kind of heroic spirit looking at the world with a smile side by side.

No wonder he always felt that being an emperor was boring a while ago, it turned out that it was only because Han Shushu was missing from his side.

At this time, Han Shushu finished eating the chicken legs, and stuffed the bones into his hands, and wiped the oil from his hands on his body as a matter of course.

This girl is really...

He leaned over and took a bite of her greasy lips, and then she smiled and fell into his arms: "It would be great if we could live like this for the rest of our lives."

Chu Mubai smiled when he heard this, but didn't answer.

She wants to live like this for the rest of her life, so they will live like this for the rest of their lives.

As long as it is what she wants, he is willing to give it, as long as she is always by his side and doesn't go anywhere.

The two quietly leaned together to admire the moon, the lake, and the imperial palace in the night. Their full sense of happiness made them just want to lean together like this, and they were even afraid that speaking would interrupt the tranquility at this moment...

The people in the Liuli Palace were full of happiness, while Xiaocao and Xiaoyuanbao in the south courtyard wailed and sighed from time to time.

Xiao Yuanbao's resentment comes from his parents abandoning him, while Xiaocao's heart is empty. I don't know if it is because of Lu Qingyun, or because he is a little confused about his future.

She never thought about getting married before, but Lu Qingyun seemed too dreamy, which made her have fantasies about marriage.

But in the end, there was nothing left.

"It doesn't matter if my sister doesn't get married, I will take care of my sister in the future." Xiao Yuanbao saw that Xiaocao was depressed, and comforted her like a little adult.

Xiaocao laughed, and lightly pinched the little guy's face: "Who says I can't get married, there is not only one Lu Qingyun in the world."

She didn't leave the south courtyard today, and heard that Lu Qingyun came to see her, but she didn't want to see that person.

What can I do if I see it, it will only add to the sadness.

In fact, she still had expectations for Lu Qingyun, but the truth is cruel after all, not every woman is as happy as Han Shushu, and not every man is as dedicated as Chu Mubai.

After coaxing the little guy to sleep, Xiaocao still didn't feel sleepy, so he simply went out of the room.

As soon as she went out, she saw a man standing in the night with his back to her.

Hearing movement from her side, he turned to look at her.

"What are you doing in the South Courtyard?" Xiaocao asked puzzled.

Chu Mubai is not in the south courtyard, so what's the use of Chu Yun running here at this time?
If she hadn't been unable to sleep, she probably wouldn't have known that Chu Yun was standing outside the house.

Chu Yun blushed, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but still couldn't say it.

Seeing that Chu Yun didn't speak, Xiaocao shook her head, turned around and wanted to go back to the house.

"Xiaocao..." Chu Yun shouted at Xiaocao's back.

"Yuan Bao just fell asleep, what are you doing so loudly?" Xiaocao gave Chu Yun a cold look.

It was only then that Chu Yun realized that he had lost his composure. He didn't care much, so he simply stepped forward and grabbed Xiaocao's wrist...

(End of this chapter)

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