The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1462 He Gives Everything She Wants

Chapter 1462 He Gives Everything She Wants (5)

Pulling Xiao Cao away, Chu Yun said: "You, if you really want to marry someone, then marry me? I will marry you."

He didn't want to see Xiaocao marrying other men at all.Although he thought it was unbelievable, he felt that he seemed to fall in love with Xiaocao.

Han Shushu said that he will regret it one day.

When he saw Xiaocao agreeing to marry Lu Qingyun that day, he really regretted it.

He regretted that he hadn't discovered his feelings for Xiaocao earlier, he was afraid that it would be too late.

He was afraid that if he didn't say it, he would never have the chance to say it again in the future.

Xiaocao thought that Chu Yun knew about her relationship with Lu Qingyun and was pitying her.

Her eyes became colder, she shook off Chu Yun's hand, and replied quietly: "I decide on my own marriage. Chu Yun, I don't like you, maybe I will marry any other man, but that person won't be you."

After saying what she wanted to say, she turned back and disappeared from Chu Yun's sight.

Chu Yun lowered his eyebrows, still not understanding why he was so dull, and only when she was about to marry did he realize that he had feelings for her.

He stood outside in a daze, looking at the dormitory where Xiaocao lived in a daze.

Qing Xin looked at it from a distance for a while, and decided to give Chu Yun some hints.

After all, Chu Yun is a dead-brained guy, too straightforward to turn a corner.

"Chu Yun, I have a way for you to get Xiaocao, do you want me to teach you?" Qing Xin grinned at Chu Yun.

"Yes!" Chu Yun did not doubt that he had it.

"From now on, you will pester Xiaocao all the time and ask her to marry you. If she doesn't want to, you can directly ask the girl for some medicine, give Xiaocao the medicine, and abduct her to the couch. When Xiaocao is pregnant with your flesh and blood, she will marry you." Who else can you marry if you don't marry?" Qing Xin said with a smile.

Chu Yun looked at Qing Xin in disbelief: "Is this good?"

"How can it be bad? The emperor can pretend to be drunk and lure a girl to the bed, and you can learn this trick too. It doesn't matter if the trick is old or not, as long as it works." Qing Xin winked at Chu Yun.

"The emperor is the emperor, I, I am a man of seven feet, how can I do such a nasty thing to Xiaocao?" Chu Yun blushed, a hundred thousand displeased.

"It seems that you want to see Xiaocao marry Lu Qingyun. It's up to you. The big deal is that Xiaocao will sleep with Lu Qingyun every night in the future, and you will have nothing to do with Chu Yun. If this is the case, Xiaocao should be married soon. Well, when she gets married, she will soon give birth to Lu Qingyun's flesh and blood..."

Qingxin said while shaking her head, and left like that.

Leaving Chu Yun alone, imagine that Xiaocao would help other men have children after marrying as a woman.

He clenched his fists, his eyes were scarlet.

The grass is his, no man can take it away, including Lu Qingyun!

Forget it, when Han Shushu comes back, he will come to ask for medicine, even if Xiaocao hates him in the future, he must get Xiaocao first!
Xiaocao tossed and turned indoors, unable to fall asleep.

Chu Yun is just a piece of wood, he won't stand outside all night, right?
After hesitating for a long time, she couldn't help getting up and went out to search for it.There were no ghosts around, let alone Chu Yun.

She thought that this guy Chu Yun had finally opened up and found out that he liked her, so she was happy for nothing.

After feeling for a while, she turned back indoors and lay down to sleep.

Regent House.

A few timid concubines hid together in Yunyuan, they were whispering, there was a loud noise outside the door, all the sisters looked at the source of the sound, and saw Zhu Yuting also entered Yunyuan with coquettish steps.

(End of this chapter)

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