The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1479 The Emperor Who Didn't Fuck

Chapter 1479 The Unscrupulous Emperor (4)

This made Chu Mubai feel uncomfortable.

In Han Shushu's mind, with so many people and things in him, how many places does he rank?

After standing for a while, seeing that Han Shushu hadn't found himself, he was immediately annoyed and flung his sleeves away.

After rushing out of the Tai Hospital, Chu Mubai remembered that the stewed soup had not been handed over to Han Shushu.

"Chu Yun, give Han Shushu the soup and snacks. Remember, you have to watch her eat before you can return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation!" After Chu Mubai gave the order, he returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing that the Hall of Mental Cultivation has raised a whole room of wood, he pointed casually: "You all kneel down for me, and you are not allowed to get up without my permission!"

The palace people looked at each other, not knowing what they had done.

But the emperor opened his mouth, that is the imperial decree, and it is not their turn to say no.

So, a roomful of people knelt down.

Chu Mubai paced back and forth in front of the crowd, his heart was full of Han Shushu's delicate and smiling face.

Coupled with the fact that she didn't value him, he became even more angry.

Extremely annoyed, he ordered people to add thick planks to the palace maids who were punished to kneel, so that they could continue to kneel...

Han Shushu didn't know that Chu Mubai had knocked over the jar of vinegar. Under Chu Yun's supervision, she finished the full stew and was forced to eat all the dim sum, which was considered to have sent Chu Yun away.

When Chu Yun was about to leave, he felt Lu Qingqing's gaze fixed on him.

He glanced over coldly, and naturally recognized Lu Qingqing.

It was Lu Qingqing's elder brother who wanted to rob him of his woman. The two brothers and sisters didn't look like good guys at first sight.

Lu Qingqing is not a good master either, she walked slowly to Chu Yun, and said in a low voice: "My brother and Xiaocao are in love with each other, why should Master Chu break up their happy marriage? Besides, Master Chu Apart from being better at martial arts, what is there that compares to my brother? Regardless of family background, or appearance and character, my brother is a first-class candidate. As for Lord Chu—"

Before Lu Qingqing could finish speaking, Chu Yun slapped him hard.

Lu Qingqing had never been beaten like this since she was a child. Her eyes were red for a moment, and she glared at Chu Yun: "You brat, how dare you touch my face?"

"Chu Yun, why are you hitting someone suddenly?!" Han Shushu rushed over and shouted at Chu Yun.

"The brothers and sisters of the Lu family don't have a good thing!" After Chu Yun finished speaking, he shook his sleeves and left.

His family Xiaocao has to be worthy of him.

Thinking of what Lu Qingqing said before, he unconsciously touched his face.

Is he really bad looking?Lu Qingqing said that no matter his family background, character or appearance, he could not compare with Lu Qingyun.

He never cared about looks.After all, with his own master, is there any man in the world whose appearance can be on the stage?
But will Wucao despise him for being ugly?
After Chu Yun returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he began to look at the bronze mirror for the first time.

The man's face inside doesn't seem to be ugly, does it?
Just when he was very unconfident, Wanxin happened to pass by. He stopped Wanxin and asked, "Wanxin, am I ugly?"

Wanxin paused and looked at Chu Yun's face.

Chu Yun has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight nose, well-shaped lips, and a righteous face.How could such a man be ugly?

It's just that they were too familiar with it, so they ignored Chu Yun's face.

In fact, in the Palace of Mental Cultivation, many palace people secretly admire Chu Yun.

It's just that Chu Yun only has Chu Mubai in his eyes, how can he see anyone other than Chu Mubai?

And in Chu Yun's eyes, he never regarded the palace maid as a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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