The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1480 The Emperor Who Didn't Fuck

Chapter 1480 The Unscrupulous Emperor (5)

Chu Yun, this piece of wood, finally discovered his thoughts on Xiaocao recently, and finally became cannibalistic.

If it wasn't for Xiaocao, Chu Yun didn't know when he would be enlightened.

"Chu Yun, usually you take care of yourself and dress better, and you will definitely be able to charm Xiaocao." Wanxin said something encouraging to Chu Yun, and then left.

Chu Yun directly took Wan Xin's words as saying that he was ugly.

But he believes that Xiaocao is not the kind of superficial woman who only looks at appearances.

At worst, he kept swaying in front of Xiaocao, letting Xiaocao get used to his face, and finally couldn't live without him.

But he is a first-rank bodyguard, so he has to accompany him personally, so he can't accompany Xiaocao all the time.

Several ministers went to the imperial study to meet him.

When they saw Chu Mubai with a cold face, several ministers shivered.

Chu Mubai was usually strict and self-denying, and he didn't show any expressions, but it didn't make people tremble when he saw it.It is clear that in the early court it was fine, like a spring breeze, sometimes the emperor was still smiling and would praise everyone.

Why did the emperor change his face not long after the court?

As a result, after half an hour, several ministers were severely scolded by Chu Mubai, and they left in a despondent manner with their tails between their legs.

After lunch, Chu Mubai went to Tai Hospital again.

How did he know that when he arrived at the Imperial Hospital, he didn't even see Han Shushu's figure.

Wanxin is also a sensible person, and immediately ran to the South Courtyard to find someone, but in fact, there was no sign of Han Shushu in the South Courtyard.

So she went to the East Palace again, thinking that Han Shushu was probably looking for Xiao Yuanbao.

Wanxin ran back and forth several times and spent more than half an hour, but she still couldn't find Han Shushu.

When she went to Tai Hospital again, she found that Chu Mubai had already left.

In the end, she returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation dejectedly.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is resting with its eyes closed on the imperial concubine chair where Han Shushu usually rests.Even so, the message "Keep away from strangers" hangs around him.

Wanxin was so nervous that she wiped her sweat, not knowing whether to tell the truth.

"Where is she?" Chu Mubai opened his lips indifferently.

"No, I didn't find it." Wanxin replied in a hoarse voice, taking two steps back indistinctly, for fear of angering Chu Mubai.

"Very good!" The word Chu Mubai came out from between his teeth.

"Young lady was probably tired from bedtime yesterday, and she probably hid somewhere inconspicuous for a lunch break." Wan Xin said boldly.

Chu Mubai sneered, of course he wouldn't believe Wanxin's words.

Actually, Han Shushu is indeed taking a lunch break.

Lou Jinghong confessed that she would spend an hour with him every day, so after much deliberation, only the lunch break was the most suitable time to accompany Lou Jinghong.And it's only at this time that she has time. At night, she has to stay with her son and her man.

But because of the serious lack of rest time last night, when she was talking with Lou Jinghong, she accidentally leaned aside and dozed off.

Lou Jinghong looked at Han Shushu sleeping with his mouth open, and frowned.

Originally, he wanted to kick this woman over, but seeing the dark circles in the corners of her eyes, he felt that she was very pitiful, meeting such a devil like Chu Mubai who didn't know how to pity and cherish jade.

If it were him, he would definitely have to trample on her all night.

Han Shushu has been sleeping, and he just watched her sleep.

When Han Shushu woke up from her sleep and asked the time, she got up in panic and ran away.

Lou Jinghong looked at Han Shushu's panicked back and sneered, secretly thinking that this woman really didn't take him seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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