The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1482 The Emperor Who Didn't Fuck

Chapter 1482 The Unscrupulous Emperor (7)

Shi Xiuyu deliberately found an excuse to ask Han Shushu about pharmacology, and deliberately blocked Han Shushu's sight.

Han Shushu didn't realize that Shi Xiuyu was playing tricks, so he seriously explained Shi Xiuyu's doubts.

In this way, Chu Mubai stood in the imperial pharmacy for nearly a quarter of an hour twisting the soup, and was completely "snubbed" by Han Shushu again.

He was so angry that he almost flung his sleeves away. At this time, Qin Changting entered the room, and when he saw Chu Mubai, he was startled and asked, "Why is the emperor here?"

Han Shushu raised her eyes when she heard the sound, and when she saw Chu Mubai, she ran forward excitedly, grabbed Chu Mubai's cuff, and asked crisply, "Ten... why is the emperor here?"

Her face was full of joy, her eyes were clear and transparent, with a faint light.

If it was said that Chu Mubai had accumulated a lot of resentment before, seeing her undisguised joy now, all the resentment disappeared.

"This is the soup I stewed. You have worked so hard in the Royal Hospital. I will give you a reward." Chu Mubai said, took out the stew pot, took out the soup spoon, and naturally pulled Han Shushu aside and sat down Next, I want to feed Han Shushu soup himself.

Han Shushu was so embarrassed, she peeked around and saw that everyone stopped what they were doing to peek, she whispered: "Thank you for the reward from the emperor, I can do it myself."

Everyone is watching, Chu Mubai delivered the soup in person is already very frightening, if he feeds her the soup himself, it will make everyone's jaw drop even more.

"Since it's a reward, it's natural to be sincere and open your mouth obediently." Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu gently with eyebrows and eyes, how could he still have the evil spirit in the early court?

Seeing that Chu Mubai couldn't be beaten, Han Shushu opened his small mouth, happily drinking the soup while shaking his head: "It's delicious."

She snatched the soup cup and drank it all in one go.

Chu Mubai saw that she drank a mouthful of soup stains, and wiped the corners of her lips lightly with his long sleeve: "You still drink soup like a child, it's everywhere."

"It's so delicious." Han Shushu was not used to being peeped by others, so she simply took Chu Mubai's hand and wanted to take him to a place where no one was around to talk.

Chu Mubai's attention was focused on the little white jade hand in the palm, which was as soft as a freshly steamed steamed bun.

For a moment, he was a little emotional, grabbed that cute little hand, put it on his lips and bit it lightly.

Han Shushu didn't expect him to come as soon as he said it, his little face was flushed, and the back of his hand was numb, as if he had been electrified.

Her face also instantly turned red into an apple, pink and tender, under the sunlight, so delicate and charming.

Chu Mubai raised her chin, suddenly smiled and said, "Have you gained weight recently?"

Han Shushu was taken aback, and touched his face, is there any?
Recently, I lived a life of eating, sleeping, sleeping and eating in Liuli Palace.After returning home, she still drinks Dabu soup every day, and she has taken good care of her body in the past five years. It is actually very easy to gain weight.

She looked at her hands and found that there was really flesh growing on them.

For a moment, she lost her face.

This is how to do?
She was inherently deficient, not as good as those beauties in his harem.It's all right now, and it's getting fat so quickly.Xiao Yuanbao is also gaining weight rapidly recently, she seriously suspects that the food in the palace is too good that she gained weight so fast.

"It seems that I need to make up more in the future. You are too thin, so you hugged and clapped your hands." Chu Mubai's voice came to Han Shushu's ears erratically.

Her big dull eyes finally came into focus, and she hurriedly replied: "No, I can't get fatter, and I'll be ugly if I get fatter!"

(End of this chapter)

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