The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1483 The Emperor Who Didn't Fuck

Chapter 1483 The Unscrupulous Emperor (8)

"No! What I said is an imperial decree. I said that I want to make you fat and fat, so you have to grow fat. I like lucky women." Chu Mubai said, regardless of the public, his unruly hands He began to grope around Han Shushu's soft body.

Han Shushu blushed with embarrassment.

This unscrupulous emperor, in broad daylight, has set his hands on her, so that people can't be laughed at when they see it?

She stopped his hand and said in a low voice, "I send the emperor back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu with deep eyes, and held her little hand tightly.

In this way, the two walked hand in hand on the spacious and clear palace road.Only the two of them, no one else to follow.

I met many palace people on the road, and when they saw Chu Mubai, they saluted Chu Mubai in a polite manner.

Chu Mubai didn't have time to look at other people at all, his gaze was fixed on Han Shushu's face, and he couldn't look away at all.

Han Shushu blushed when she saw Chu Mubai's direct and hot gaze, she said angrily, "What's so interesting?"

She is not very beautiful, Chu Mubai has been staring at her face since the moment she left the imperial hospital, is this how she can see a flower?
"The bundle looks good." Chu Mubai said this from the bottom of his heart.In his opinion, the most beautiful woman in the world is the one in front of him.These eyes are watery, this face is shy and timid, this pink and tender mouth, it looks delicious and delicious, and it is extremely ecstasy.

Even her waist, her soft and boneless body, was his favorite.

"Ten and thirteen are better looking." Han Shushu let out a long breath.

She is a worthless person, her heartbeat has never slowed down, she seems to have run a few miles away.

Originally, she and Chu Mubai were considered old couples, and they slept not once or twice. Logically speaking, she should get used to getting along with him.

But recently, as long as I'm with him, my heart will move and my face will blush.

"Then aren't we a couple made in heaven?" Chu Mubai smiled and held Han Shushu's slender waist.

She was clearly a woman who had given birth, but her waist was so slender. He was afraid that if he tried harder, he would break her.

"Of course, we are lovers from heaven." Han Shushu couldn't bear it anymore, approached Chu Mubai's thin lips, tiptoed to lightly touch his lips: "Thirteen..."

Chu Mubai sucked her lips, sucking and sucking repeatedly, and her heart beat faster...

When Han Shushu came back to his senses, he realized that it was outside, and many palace people were peeping nearby.

She was a little embarrassed and hurriedly stayed away from Chu Mubai.

The eyes of the two were entangled from time to time, Han Shushu had difficulty breathing when he saw Chu Mubai's face, and couldn't help but blush and heartbeat.

It's strange to think about it, she and him have known each other for so many years, and the children are both five years old. It is not a matter of a day or two to fall in love with him, but now, she feels that she likes him too much.Whether it was his face, or his temperament, and everything about him, she was fascinated.

The road to the Hall of Mental Cultivation is very short, and in a daze, I have already arrived outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Han Shushu paused, and looked at Chu Mubai reluctantly: "Thirteen, we're here, you go in."

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's beautiful eyes full of affection, and said softly, "Since you're all here, why don't you go in and sit for a while, drink a cup of tea before leaving."

Fearing that Han Shushu would refuse, he added with a straight face: "This is an imperial decree!"

(End of this chapter)

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