The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1491 My woman is very precious

Chapter 1491 My woman is very precious (7)

"Fang Aiqing, are you guilty of slapping the daughter of a first-rank official in the dynasty for no reason?" Chu Mubai leaned on the dragon chair, his posture was lazy, seemingly harmless, but his eyes were cold.

His gaze flicked over Fang Yuyi's body, and glanced at Han Shushu who was standing aside.

According to Shi Xiuyu, Han Shushu was arguing with Imperial Physician Fang at the time.

Because Shi Xiuyu broke their adulterous relationship, Imperial Doctor Fang became furious and beat Shi Xiuyu violently!
Doctor Fang didn't know what happened at all, he kowtowed a few times tremblingly: "I am wronged, I have not met Miss Shi this morning, if that is the case, how can I slap Miss Shi?"

"You are lying! You were the one who hit me with the bruise on my face. At that time, you were still with Han Shushu and were very close. Because I broke the adultery between the two of you, you became angry and even slapped me." Counting palms, do you dare to do it or not?!" Shi Xiuyu was extremely angry, holding back the pain, and yelled at Imperial Doctor Fang.

Doctor Fang looked at Shi Xiuyu with grief and indignation, and replied in a hoarse voice: "I never beat women, and I have never been alone with Miss Han, you, you spitting blood!"

Seeing this situation, Shi Xiuyu trembled with anger.

She turned to look at her father, and choked up: "Father, my daughter has never been humiliated like this since she was a child. You are a first-rank official in the dynasty. Now someone slaps your daughter. Isn't that a slap in the face of your father? "

Shi Shangshu felt sorry for his daughter's experience, so he went to the Dragon Throne, knelt down and kowtowed in front of Chu Mubai: "I beg the emperor to give me justice! I must not allow such villains to be so arrogant in the imperial hospital."

Chu Mubai didn't make a sound, just bowed his head and sipped his tea.

Without raising his head, he asked while drinking tea: "Han Aiqing, you were there at that time, why don't you tell us about the situation at that time."

Han Shushu kept complaining, could she say that the person who beat Shi Xiuyu was not Imperial Doctor Fang at all?

Doctor Fang is also very innocent, but when she said this, wouldn't it make people more suspicious?
So, Lou Jinghong's dead son is just looking for trouble for her when he has nothing to do.

Up to now, she can only pretend that nothing happened, that she didn't see anything.

She took a step forward and said to Chu Mubai: "Your Majesty, it is actually very simple to prove whether Mr. Fang did what Mr. Fang did. You just need to check whether Mr. Fang has internal strength. In my humble opinion, Miss Shi's face The injury is not done by ordinary people. If there is no internal strength, it is impossible to injure Miss Shi so badly."

Chu Mubai thought about it.

The woman's words hit the point.

As long as people with common sense saw the wound on Shi Xiuyu's face, they should have noticed that the person who slapped Shi Xiuyu had deep internal strength, and every slap hit the real point.

"Chu Yun, go up and check on Fang Aiqing to see if he did it." Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun and ordered quietly.

Chu Yun led the order to step forward to check whether Imperial Physician Fang had internal strength.

After the test, he truthfully said to Chu Mubai: "My Majesty, Mr. Fang is not a martial arts practitioner, and he has no internal strength."

Hearing this, Chu Mubai looked at Shi Shangshu again and said, "Shi Aiqing, this matter is related to Aiqing's favorite jewel. Aiqing can find someone to test whether Fang Aiqing has internal strength, and then test whether the wound on Shi Xiuyu's face is due to deep internal strength What people do."

Shi Shangshu originally suspected that Chu Mubai and Chu Yun were singing double reeds, and deliberately excused Han Shushu.

Hearing Chu Mubai's words hit him right in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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