The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1492 My woman is very precious

Chapter 1492 My woman is very precious (8)

Shi Shangshu happened to recognize a master of martial arts in the palace, and he was Deputy Commander Long of the Imperial Guard.

Deputy Commander Long is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also his confidant and friend, so he is very relieved to leave this matter to Deputy Commander Long.

Everyone is waiting in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Not long after, Vice Commander Long entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and after paying his respects to Chu Mubai, he began to test whether Imperial Physician Fang had internal strength.

A quarter of an hour later, Deputy Commander Long carefully inspected and said to Chu Mubai truthfully: "My Majesty, after the inspection by the minister, Mr. Fang has no internal strength, and the wound on Miss Shi's face is caused by someone with high internal strength. Therefore, Master Fang is not the one who murdered Miss Shi!"

As soon as Deputy Commander Long said this, the expressions of Shi Shangshu and Shi Xiuyu changed at the same time.

Shi Xiuyu was even more furious and rushed out: "You are lying, it is clear that Fang Yuyi is the one who murdered me, and the culprit I see is Fang Yuyi!"

"Xiuyu, don't act presumptuously in front of the imperial court!" Shi Shangshu said coldly with a dark face.

He has been an official in the court for many years, so he naturally knows that being with the king is like being with a tiger.What's more, Chu Mubai is a wise king, and he acts ruthlessly.If this touches Ni Lin, it may bring disaster to the Shi family.

And he believed in the judgment of Deputy Commander Long.This matter is full of treachery, and it is necessary to investigate carefully to find out what is going on.

"Now that the matter has been found out, the wound on Shi Xiuyu's face was not caused by Fang Aiqing, so let's stop here and don't bring it up again. In the future, if such a trivial matter dares to come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and make such an ugly mess, I will never forgive you lightly! "As Chu Mubai spoke, his cold eyes swept across Shi Xiuyu's face.

Shi Xiuyu felt her hands and feet were cold, she was so frightened that she fell to her knees, not daring to look up at Longyan.

"Stand back." Chu Mubai lightly waved his dragon sleeves.

Everyone retreated one by one, and Han Shushu deliberately stayed at the end. She knew that Chu Mubai would definitely let her stay for questioning.

The problem is, she hasn't found a good excuse yet, and she doesn't know how to answer Chu Mubai's question.

"You are very self-conscious." Chu Mubai got off the dragon chair and walked slowly to Han Shushu.

Han Shushu grinned, took the initiative to take Chu Mubai's arm and said, "The emperor must want to know what happened."

Chu Mubai snorted coldly, waiting quietly for Han Shushu's explanation.

Han Shushu scratched his head for a while, but still didn't know what to say.

Do you want to tell Chu Mubai that the lord of Xuantian City ran into the palace and acted wildly in the palace?

She also wanted to rely on her own strength to send Lou Jinghong, a big trouble, back to Xuantian City.

"Actually, I don't like Shi Xiuyu. I deliberately asked someone to pretend to be Mrs. Fang, and then beat Shi Xiuyu up. You don't know, it is because of Shi Xiuyu that the beautiful marriage between Xiaocao and Lu Qingyun has twists and turns. Who let Xiaocao If the grass is not happy, I will make that person unhappy. In addition, my disguise technique is good, so I thought, teach Shi Xiuyu a lesson like this, and make her dumb and eat yellow lotus. Did you make a joke in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

Han Shushu soon found a good reason.

As for the big man Lou Jinghong, it's better not to move it out, otherwise the two masters will meet, and it's hard to know who will win.

Unless it was the last moment, she didn't want to see such masters as Chu Mubai and Lou Jinghong confront each other.

Although he knew that Chu Mubai's martial arts were very good, but Lou Jinghong was the lord of Xuantian City, and his martial arts were definitely no worse than Chu Mubai's.

She didn't want to see Chu Mubai's life in any danger.

"Is this Shi Xiuyu really not pleasing you so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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