Chapter 1495 Family Husband and Adulterer (1)

"Let them make trouble. Is Shu Shu such an easy woman to deal with? Besides, if they want to make love to Chu Mubai, those two women probably don't know Chu Mubai's true ability." Lou Jinghong replied calmly road.

Although he also wanted to deal with Chu Mubai, he only wanted to fight Chu Mubai openly.

As for the women in the harem, they are all treacherous and disgusting.

Chu Mubai's vision was not too bad, so he picked the best one.

He just didn't understand why Chu Mubai always took what he wanted first.

Chu Mubai won the love of the old city lord without any effort, and the old city lord gave him all he could.Later, Chu Mubai easily obtained the whole world of Nanchu, and even the woman Han Shushu.

No matter what Chu Mubai wants, Chu Mubai can get it.

And he was always picking things that Chu Mubai didn't want, such as the position of the city lord of Xuantian City.

How much he hopes that one day Chu Mubai can completely abandon Han Shushu, so he doesn't mind picking up the woman Chu Mubai doesn't want...

At that time, Chu Yun missed Xiaocao all the time, and took a moment to run to the East Palace.

Before entering the East Palace, I saw Lu Qingyun in a brocade robe hovering outside the East Palace from a distance.

Sometimes he has to admit that Lu Qingyun's family background is better than his, and his appearance is also handsome, but he will never give up Xiaocao.

He deliberately walked into the East Palace with arrogant steps.

Xiaocao is reading military books with Xiao Yuanbao.

When Chu Yun entered, Xiaocao looked at Chu Yun, and then fixed his gaze.

Chu Yun used to wear formal official uniforms all day long, but she felt strange that he was dressed like a playboy today.Even his hair is neater than usual, at first glance, he is a handsome young man.

But upon closer inspection, he was still that simple and honest Chu Yun.

A little smile flashed in Xiaocao's eyes, she stopped looking at Chu Yun, and continued to study with the prince.

Seeing that Xiaocao was ignoring him, Chu Yun rubbed against Xiaocao and kicked her: "It's rare for me to come, why don't you talk to me?"

Xiaocao didn't bother to pay attention to Chu Yun.

When he came, she would talk to him, what logic?

Chu Yun stood still for a while, staring at the top of Xiaocao's head in a daze.Then thinking of Lu Qingyun standing outside the East Palace, he became even more irritable.

He suddenly pulled up Xiaocao, fished out a sapphire ring, and put it on Xiaocao's pink and slender fingers rudely: "This is my token of love for you. When you wear it, it will be me. When you figure out your plan to marry me, we will get married, and I want you to help me give birth to a boy who is more beautiful than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Xiaocao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

Did Chu Yun take the wrong medicine?Suddenly ran into the East Palace, gave her a broken ring, and said that he wanted to marry her.

Does she look like she wants to get married?

"Xiaocao, I, I like you..."

After Chu Yun finished speaking, his face turned pale, he didn't dare to look at Xiaocao again, and disappeared in front of Xiaocao.

Xiaocao was dumbfounded again, she had never seen such a stupid man.

"Sister, my brother said he likes you, so is my sister going to become my brother's bride?" Yuan Bao asked curiously looking at Xiaocao who was blushing.

The adults around him knew how to talk about love, and they didn't care about his child's feelings at all.

Xiaocao squatted beside Xiao Yuanbao and asked in a low voice, "Yuanbao, do you think Chu Yun is better or Lu Qingyun?"

(End of this chapter)

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