Chapter 1496 Family Husband and Adulterer (2)

In fact, at the beginning, she felt that a son of a family like Lu Qingyun had a family background and good looks, and he was good to her. He could satisfy a woman's vanity, and was much better than Chu Yun, a ignorant idiot.

But after breaking through the relationship between Lu Qingyun and Shi Xiuyu, she felt that it was an idiot like Chu Yun who made her feel more secure.

"All good. But brother Chu is more stupid, I like brother Chu more." Xiao Yuanbao is naturally a guy who protects his weaknesses.

Whoever gets close to him and treats him well is naturally the one who matches Xiaocao.

"I also think Chu Yun is more stupid." Xiaocao looked at the ring happily.

Noticing that the corners of her lips were constantly grinning, she quickly closed her mouth, feeling weird.

She just had a showdown with Lu Qingyun, how could she get involved with Chu Yun again so quickly?
But just now Chu Yun said that he likes her...

Thinking of this, Xiaocao couldn't help but blush again.

Xiao Yuanbao looked at Xiaocao's expression, and once again felt that the female university is not good enough.

Xiaocao is like his mother now, once she has a man, she forgets about his poor little self.

After Chu Yun left, Xiaocao's heart was full of Chu Yun's figure.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself.Even when she was talking about marriage with Lu Qingyun, she never thought about Lu Qingyun like this.

And Chu Yun just said that he liked her, and she was so happy that she couldn't hold it.

When Han Shushu saw Xiaocao foolishly returning to the South Yard, he immediately talked to Xiao Yuanbao, and only then did he realize that it was Chu Yun who attacked, and Xiaocao became so stupid.

There is no doubt that Xiaocao's true love is Chu Yun.

The appearance of Lu Qingyun is the catalyst for Xiaocao and Chu Yun's relationship to heat up.

After finally waiting for Xiaocao to recover, Han Shushu remembered an important matter, and asked, "Xiaocao, do you know when the Liuli Palace was built?"

Xiaocao was taken aback, nodded and replied: "Of course I know. Ever since Shisan became the throne, people have been building the Liuli Palace. It was built for you. I remember Shisan said that to build a palace that belongs only to Han Shushu The palace, this palace must be rare and unique in the world!"

Han Shushu's heartbeat accelerated unexpectedly.

She vaguely guessed that it had something to do with her, but she was still shocked when she heard the answer.

It turned out that Shisan had been building a palace that belonged to her from the very beginning.

If she hadn't met Chu Mubai outside the palace that time, and hadn't been brought back to the palace by him, maybe she wouldn't know that he built a glazed palace for herself until she died, right?
"Shushu, it's time for dinner, where are you going?" Seeing Han Shushu running away suddenly, Xiaocao asked after her.

"You don't have to wait for me, I'll go find Shisan!" Han Shushu shouted while running, and disappeared in an instant.

Xiaocao looked at Xiao Yuanbao, and saw that the little prince was angry with a delicate face, probably feeling that he had been left out in the cold again.

What this kid likes to do the most is to be jealous.

And Han Shushu quickly ran into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Mubai was about to eat when a crazy woman ran in.

The woman's long hair fluttered wildly covering half of her face, at first glance she looked like a ghost.

Before he could react, she sat on his lap automatically and consciously, hooked his neck, and was so enthusiastic that he—well, it was very useful.

"Thirteen." Han Shushu's beautiful eyes were shining like fire, and he was still breathing slightly because he ran too fast.

Chu Mubai coughed lightly, and opened his lips calmly: "You must have a sitting posture when you sit."

She sat on his lap like this, what did she say?

(End of this chapter)

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