Chapter 1498 Family Husband and Adulterer (4)

"How dare you say that you are not in Xiao Xiangzhen's dragon body?!" Chu Mubai lightly raised the corners of his lips, unable to hide his pride.

Han Shushu sweated a lot, what the hell, how could she miss his broken dragon body.

Originally, it was because he was moved that she ran to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Later, she had to go back to the South Courtyard to accompany her son.

Imagining the aggrieved expression the little guy might have at this time, Han Shushu paused and said to Chu Mubai, "Your Majesty, shall we go to the South Courtyard?"

"The Hall of Mental Cultivation is not as good as the South Courtyard?" Chu Mubai was dissatisfied.

Seeing that the dragon's couch is in sight, and then this woman can be allowed to sleep, why do you have to look far away?

How did Han Shushu know Chu Mubai's dirty mind at the moment, she just wanted to bring Chu Mubai to the south courtyard, so that their little buns could experience the great fatherly and maternal love of their parents.

"It's more comfortable to serve the bed in the south courtyard. I'm sure, if I serve the emperor in the south courtyard, I will be able to serve the emperor comfortably!" Han Shushu said to Chu Mubai with a salivating smile.

This should satisfy Chu Mubai's manly self-esteem, right?
Chu Mubai glanced at Han Shushu, thinking to himself that this woman also has a moment of enlightenment?
She usually stays motionless on the couch, and he is always the one pleasing her.She actually said that serving the bed in the South Yard would make her feel better, so she must try it.

Therefore, Chu Mubai was easily abducted by Han Shushu into the South Courtyard.

After entering the South Courtyard, Han Shushu was immediately distracted by Xiao Yuanbao.

Chu Mubai watched coldly, and found that Han Shushu only had the little prince in his heart, and the woman who promised to sleep with him ignored him in the cold.

After half an hour, Chu Mubai lost his patience and coughed lightly to remind Han Shushu of his existence.

Han Shushu was helping Yuan Bao take a bath, she took a moment to look at Chu Mubai: "Thirteen, are you sleepy, why don't you go to sleep first."

Chu Mubai wanted to vomit blood when he heard this.

Dead woman, she didn't go to bed, how could he go to bed first?
"Xiaocao, help Yuanbao take a bath." Chu Mubai couldn't bear it any longer.After giving the order, he directly grabbed Han Shushu and brought her back to Shuzhai.

"Thirteen, don't you need to take a bath?" Han Shushu reminded in a low voice.

Chu Mubai couldn't be in the mood to take a bath, his lust and jealousy made him lose control.

He directly threw Han Shushu onto the couch, bullied himself up, and used his actions to show that he did not come to the South Courtyard to see their mother and child.

"Sleep servant!" Chu Mubai thought of the business and fell down on the couch, hoping that Han Shushu would take the initiative to him once.

Han Shushu was still thinking about the little one, so he didn't listen carefully, and subconsciously lay down.

After all, every time she goes to bed, she just needs to lie down and wait for Chu Mubai to pounce.

Seeing that Han Shushu was so "well-behaved", Chu Mubai vomited in his heart.

There are thousands of kinds of women in the world, but none is as annoying as Han Shushu.

It was agreed to serve him comfortably, why didn't this woman take the initiative at all?
"Han Shushu, are you tired of working?!" Chu Mubai gritted his teeth and looked at the woman lying beside him.

Only then did Han Shushu concentrate, she looked at Chu Mubai, and said in a whisper, "Didn't you ask me to sleep in bed?"

Forget it, it's better not to serve the bed, she just let him have the bed.

She was about to get up, but Chu Mubai rudely pressed her under him, and roared in a low voice: "You said you want to serve me, you can't keep your word!"

He had waited for so long, but she was like a piece of wood.If it were any other woman, she must have taken the initiative on the couch more than her.

(End of this chapter)

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