Chapter 1499 Family Husband and Adulterer (6)

It took a while for Han Shushu to close his mouth, pull on the brocade quilt without any trace, and cover his body, trying not to show any skin.

She has always felt that Lou Jinghong has an inexplicable attachment to her, which is probably the legendary Oedipus complex...

"With your body, I won't have any desire to stand in front of me without nakedness." Lou Jinghong naturally saw Han Shushu's small movements, and curled his lips mockingly.

"I think you're a dead duck-you're so stubborn, you obviously--" Han Shushu wanted to save face, and subconsciously wanted to argue.

Halfway through she found the situation strange.It was still early in the morning, and Lou Jinghong actually ran into her bedroom in the morning, what was on his mind?

"There is a difference between a man and a woman. Has no one ever taught you whether a man and a woman can kiss each other? What do you mean by running into my bedroom and peeking at me sleeping?!" Han Shushu glared at Lou Jinghong, and ordered coldly: "Get out !"

Lou Jinghong just looked down on the woman hiding under the blanket from above.

Her eyes were black and blue, and she knew that she didn't sleep well last night.As for why he didn't sleep well, he watched outside the south courtyard all night, so he naturally knew that this woman and Chu Mubai had been crazy all night.

Damn woman, ****!

Lou Jinghong glared at Han Shushu viciously: "If I am not happy, I don't mind playing with a few more women in the palace. You are considered an old man in the palace. Tell me, where should I find women?"

Han Shushu was shocked when he heard this.

She suddenly remembered that Li Guiren was also trampled by Lou Jinghong last time, and this time he wanted to attack Chu Mubai's woman. Didn't he eat a leopard's guts and cuckold Chu Mubai?
"There are more beauties outside the palace, why don't you look for them outside the palace." Han Shushu suggested with a smile.

I heard that men have this kind of body structure, they can't live without a woman for a day, not to mention Lou Jinghong, a bastard, he must have raised a lot of beauties in Xuantian City.

So it's normal to be lonely in the harem and want to find a woman.

"I like women who play with Chu Mubai!" Lou Jinghong said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Han Shushu was so embarrassed that she hid under the blanket and touched her dress quietly.

It's really embarrassing to live alone like this, and she's still disheveled.

If Chu Mubai knew that there was an extra man in her dormitory, that jealous jar would do something out of the ordinary.

"There are indeed a lot of women in Shisan. If you really want to play, why don't I provide you with one." Han Shushu said with a smile, and suddenly thought of a very suitable candidate.

If one is not enough, she can provide another one to Lou Jinghong.

"Say!" Lou Jinghong spat out a word from her thin lips, intuitively thinking that this woman should be like a dog who can't spit out ivory.

"It's Concubine Chen. Her boudoir's name is An Sujing, and she's so beautiful. I've seen her body before. It's really a soul bone, and it's the body that men love most. Xiao Louzi, what do you want?" She must be right!" Han Shushu cheerfully expressed his opinion.

If she guessed correctly, An Sujing and Lou Jinghong must be acquaintances.Wouldn't it be nice to send acquaintances into a heap, and dry wood meet a raging fire?
Lou Jinghong's long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed a sharp edge.

Did this woman do it on purpose?Was she sure that An Sujing and him were old acquaintances, so she deliberately introduced An Sujing to him and was trampled?
What's more, he has no interest in that disgusting woman An Sujing.

What he wanted was this shameless, disgusting and dirty woman in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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