Chapter 1500 Family Husband and Adulterer (7)

"The candidate I provided is good, isn't it?" Seeing Lou Jinghong's unpredictable eyes, Han Shushu burst into a smile.

She's so small, but she hasn't made a fuss about her yet.

It's very easy for Lou Jinghong and An Sujing, the two scourges, to collude together.

"You're sure I won't do anything to you, are you?" Lou Jinghong looked coldly at the smiling woman.

He found that people all over the world were afraid of him, only Han Shushu was not.

Knowing clearly that he is the lord of Xuantian City and killing people like hemp, she still laughs heartlessly at him.

"Xiao Louzi, we are friends. I'm sure, you are a very loyal friend. Don't worry, your lifelong happiness depends on me. Why don't you try dating An Sujing first, if you don't like her , I’ll help you find another woman.” Han Shushu patted his chest lightly and smiled heartily.

Lou Jinghong's eyes fixed on Han Shushu's chest.

She hid it tightly before, but now because she was too excited, the brocade quilt slid down, revealing only her body in single clothes, and a large piece of smooth jade muscle on her chest, the snow color was very attractive to her line of sight.

Seeing Lou Jinghong staring at his chest, Han Shushu hurriedly put on the quilt: "What are you looking at! Didn't you say that you are not interested in me? Let me tell you, I have a husband, so you can't hit me!" idea--"

"Noisy!" Lou Jinghong snorted coldly, and suddenly left without looking back.

He came suddenly and left in a hurry, Han Shushu Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

She was about to stay in bed when someone pushed the door open and entered, scaring her so much that she immediately got back into bed.

It was Qingxin who came in. Seeing Han Shushu's stupid look, she joked, "Young lady, do you think this servant is the emperor?"

Han Shushu was still in shock, and shook his head in denial.

She thought it was Lou Jinghong who left and returned.

How deep is Lou Jinghong's inner strength?To be able to know that Qingxin is coming, and to retreat completely.

But after thinking about it, he is the lord of Xuantian City, so of course his martial arts are unfathomable.

Xuantian City is already scary, let alone the city lord of Xuantian City.

"Miss, are you thinking about the emperor?" Qing Xin stared at Han Shushu, seeing her eyes straightened, and asked curiously.

"Yeah, I really want to die. I probably have a disease called lovesickness." Han Shushu replied half-heartedly.

Qingxin laughed from ear to ear upon hearing this.

Han Shushu took a look at this silly girl, and didn't understand that he said he missed Chu Mubai, so why should this girl keep giggling.

"Seeing that the relationship between the girl and the emperor is so good, this servant is very happy." Qing Xin was very happy.

Her words made Han Shushu dumbfounded.

After all, he was trained by Chu Mubai.Thinking back, when these girls saw her, they resisted so much. Now, as long as they treat Chu Mubai well, they all think that they are the best people in the world. These people are honest and stupid.

When Han Shushu went to the dining room, he saw a large pot of soup.

When you smell the aroma of the soup, you will know who did the good deed, and of course Chu Mubai ordered someone to send it over.

She has to drink tonic soup all day long, and if she continues to do this, she will be turned into a pig by Chu Mubai.

Coupled with the fact that she has a wide heart and a fat body, she touched her stomach with a bitter face, and felt that there was a tire growing on it.

If she didn't drink, the few people present would stare at her like a prisoner, even her son would watch her from the sidelines, and everyone would raise her as a pig.

What a day!

(End of this chapter)

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