Chapter 1504 The Emperor Was Cried (1)

When Wanxin realized that there was a man's head on her chest, her expression changed again and again.

She must have thought too much, and for a moment felt that this little mouse was leaning on her chest on purpose.

"Forget it, the eunuch hospital is ahead, I'll find someone to take you there, you hold on." Wanxin said, hastily pushing away the eunuch who was leaning on her arms.

Chen Hao didn't have time to speak, he could only watch Wan Xin run away helplessly.

He touched the back of his head, and there seemed to be some tenderness left on it.

He was a little unsure.Thinking that there are still a few days before Wanxin's body can be obtained, she felt a little melancholy for a while, but finally disappeared on the palace road.

When Wanxin went to find the imperial doctor from the imperial hospital, she found that there was only a puddle of blood left on the palace road, and the eunuch, Little Mouse, was not there.

Seeing that everyone had left, she smiled apologetically at the imperial doctor.

After sending the imperial doctor away, she was taken aback for a while, always feeling that the little mouse was a little weird.The weirdest thing is the little mouse's face, why can the eunuch look so good-looking?
She returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a trance, quickly got busy, and forgot about this episode.

Tai Hospital.

Han Shushu has been uneasy since he entered Taitai Hospital.

When Chu Mubai was about to leave the South Courtyard, he said that he would come to clean up her after the court.

Because of this sentence, she was afraid that Chu Mubai would really go to the Tai Hospital and come down to tease her in broad daylight.

She was anxious all the time, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief when it was almost noon.

Then she found herself nervous all morning for no reason, and she found it funny again.

Isn't he just a man? There's nothing to be afraid of.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Qin Changting quietly approached Han Shushu and asked in a low voice.

Han Shushu has been absent-minded since this morning. He was still giggling just now. Could it be that he was thinking about Chu Mubai?
"Work hard, what can you think about?" Han Shushu showed a late-night face.

Qin Changting curled his lips disdainfully: "Obviously you are thinking about the emperor, don't think I don't know."

Her words made Han Shushu's eyes freeze, and he joked, "Then are you thinking about your Chu Yingchen?"

Qin Changting blushed with embarrassment, which made Han Shushu dumbfounded.

"Hey, isn't Chu Yingchen very brave on the bed?" Han Shushu asked curiously.

Qin Changting is now a married woman, and his relationship with Chu Yingchen should be much better. Discuss this issue with Qin Changting so that she can study whether Chu Mubai's performance on the couch is within the normal range.

Qin Changting nodded shyly and humbly: "He always wants not enough..."

Han Shushu was taken aback, shook his head and sighed: "Men are indeed beasts."

She thought that this was the case in her family. It turns out that all men in the world have the same virtue.

"These two girls returned home very late, and they didn't touch me after returning home. Shu Shu, do you think he has a new love?" Qin Changting looked at Han Shushu in confusion and asked.

In the past, she didn't care whether Chu Yingchen went back to the mansion or spent the night with other women.

But recently she is particularly concerned about these things. Does this mean that she has already fallen in love with Chu Yingchen, otherwise why would she worry about gains and losses?

"He is the regent, so he must be responsible. If you really like him, you have to trust him. In my opinion, Chu Yingchen is sincere to you, otherwise he wouldn't have endured five years before touching you." Han Beam said with a straight face.

Qin Changting looked at Han Shushu puzzled: "He hasn't touched me for five years, isn't it because he has no interest in my body?"

(End of this chapter)

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