Chapter 1505 The Emperor Was Cried (2)

"Silly girl, it's because he cherishes you so he protects you. Otherwise, why do you think he endured for you for five years?" Han Shushu is a person who has experienced it, so he naturally knows that some things should not be just looked at on the surface.

There were so many beauties raised in Chu Yingchen's house, the only one he didn't touch was Qin Changting, probably because he didn't want to make too many enemies for Qin Changting.

The last time I spent the night in Qin Changting's room, Qin Changting brought trouble, maybe this is Chu Yingchen's worry?
"But, but he didn't say hello to me when he saw me in the palace recently." Qin Changting said again depressed.

She also wanted to tell herself that it was because Chu Yingchen was afraid of attracting her enemies that he neglected her like this.

But, she was afraid that she was being self-indulgent.

If Chu Yingchen doesn't want her anymore after getting her body, then what should she do?
"Don't think about it. He should have his own reasons for doing this. A few days ago, Thirteen snubbed me, and then came to me obediently to beg for mercy. You don't know, men are cheap, we women do it The most important thing is to reap the benefits and let go..."

When Qin Changting saw Chu Mubai who appeared quietly, he winked at Han Shushu.

It's a pity that Han Shushu was talking in high spirits, so he couldn't see it at all.

"Let me tell you, last night Shisan was abused by me and cried. If I hadn't pitied him, he wouldn't have touched me—"

Han Shushu was talking excitedly when a man's gloomy voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Really?"

Han Shushu's back was a little stiff.

After a while, she turned around and had already put on a familiar face: "I don't know who it is that makes the Taiyuan Hospital shine. It turns out to be our wise and mighty emperor. Look at this stunning face , This enchanting figure, this extraordinary temperament, who else but the emperor can interpret it so vividly..."

Chu Mubai looked at the woman talking to herself with a half-smile.

He heard it very clearly just now, but last night he was abused and cried by her.

I don't even know who was being tortured by whom.The one who cried and begged for mercy last night was clearly this woman, and she actually had the nerve to talk nonsense?
Seeing Chu Mubai's expression, Han Shushu finally shut up.

Forget it, this is not the first time that Chu Mubai has spoken ill of him behind his back.It's just that every time it happens, he chooses to show up when she speaks ill of him.

"My humble servant welcomes the emperor." She bowed politely.

"Aiqing, come out with me, I have something to ask you carefully." Chu Mubai said, flung his sleeves and left.

Han Shushu lowered his face, and asked Qin Changting in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me when he came?"

"I winked at you, but you didn't see it yourself, who is to blame?" Qin Changting replied with a smile.

Han Shushu was momentarily at a loss for words, so he could only say that he blamed himself.

She just had a bad mouth to clean up, and now she is doing it on her own.

But it doesn't matter, with her perfect tongue, she will definitely be able to coax Chu Mubai into submission.

Now she was not nervous anymore, and left the hospital in a hurry.

When she saw the wise and mighty Emperor, she immediately flew into his arms.

Chu Mubai didn't expect a woman like Han Shushu to be so enthusiastic, and this was outdoors, why didn't she know how to be a little reserved?
"Thirteen, I miss you." Han Shushu hugged Chu Mubai's neck tightly, kissing his beautiful face passionately.

Chu Mubai felt the softness of the woman's lips, which made his heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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