Chapter 1506 The Emperor Was Cried (3)

For a moment, Chu Mubai forgot what his purpose for calling Han Shushu out was, he just wanted to hold her down and love her dearly.

"I miss you so much, do you miss me?" Seeing that Chu Mubai was standing still, Han Shushu asked with a smile.

In a small way, her beauty trick is quite effective.He had a fierce look before, but now he is fascinated by her?
A sly light flashed in her eyes, Chu Mubai came back to his senses, and saw the light in the girl's eyes.

Very good, use a beauty trick on him, thinking that you can escape the catastrophe?

"Han Aiqing, tell me how Aiqing made me cry last night." Chu Mubai grabbed the pair of white jade hands resting on his waist, and curled his lips softly.

Han Shushu hurriedly shook his head when he heard this: "Thirteen, you didn't listen, I mean, you made me cry last night. The Emperor is wise and powerful, how could a little female doctor like me make the Emperor cry? ? That is absolutely impossible!"

"Did I hear you wrong?" Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu with a smile on his face.

Han Shushu nodded vigorously and decisively: "Honey, of course you misheard."

"Follow." Chu Mubai took a deep look at Han Shushu, turned around and left.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai's back and felt that it would be better not to go with him.

"Your Majesty, I'm on duty, and I'm busy with a lot of things, can I not follow?" Han Shushu asked Chu Mubai's back loudly.

Keeping up with this is probably a dead end, right?

Chu Mubai's footsteps paused slightly: "Follow up and let you survive, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Han Shushu didn't dare to raise any objections this time.

After all, he said in the morning that he would deal with her, and now he heard her speak ill of him. If she didn't follow, she would die.

It's better to be smart and please him.

The big deal is to have sex with him. Although it is a little hard work, she is not at a loss. It is her blessing to enjoy the dragon body that the harem three thousand can't enjoy.

Thinking of this, Han Shushu suddenly felt that he was going to be trampled on by Chu Mubai, and felt windy under his feet, wishing he could arrive at the crime scene immediately and force Chu Mubai dozens of times.

Of course, this must be our girl Han's YY.

In fact, she followed Chu Mubai to the south courtyard, and Chu Mubai tortured her to death on the couch, and asked her once after doing it: "Who is torturing whom?!"

Han Shushu begged for mercy while wiping away his tears: "My lord emperor tortured and cried my little one."

"Are you sure I'm the one who tortured you, little goblin?" Chu Mubai took Han Shushu's body fiercely again, and asked in a rattling voice.

Han Shushu's voice was a bit broken this time: "This, is this still fake, bad, bad guy..."

This big villain knows how to bully her in this way, and he won't stop every time he doesn't beat her to death.

This guy Chu Mubai is getting worse and worse...

For Han Shushu, this process of sadistic crying can only be described appropriately with the word "bitter".

There is no way, when you meet an emperor beast who is very possessive, has a certain ability, has a huge appetite, and has a strong desire to control, there is no way to refuse to admit defeat.

Chu Mubai finally let go of the dying Han Shushu.

Seeing this woman's miserable appearance, she suddenly felt like a poor little girl.

When she threw herself into his arms before, she was still full of vitality.At this moment, like a salted fish, lying motionless on the couch.

(End of this chapter)

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