Chapter 1507 The Emperor Was Cried (4)

Chu Mubai saw the ambiguous marks on Han Shushu's body with satisfaction, like a lazy cheetah, and asked with a smile, "Are you satisfied with my service?"

Han Shushu looked up at Chu Mubai feebly, the satisfied smile on the man's face was particularly obtrusive.

She nodded weakly: "I'm very satisfied."

"Good boy. As long as you are obedient, I will satisfy Aiqing every day from now on." Chu Mubai caressed Han Shushu's sweaty hair, his eyebrows and eyes softened a little.

After all, she was exhausted.

Han Shushu nodded aggrievedly, she didn't want the emperor's service, could she?

Seeing her desperate appearance, Chu Mubai finally felt a little pity: "Forget it, you can rest in the South Hospital, and you don't need to go to the Imperial Hospital. I ordered someone to cook some tonic soup to mend your body. Gain some weight..."

"Thirteen, I don't want to drink tonic soup anymore."

Han Shushu struggled to his feet and looked at Chu Mubai expectantly, "I'm not that weak. I'll go to work at the Tai Hospital after I have something to eat."

Drinking that tonic soup every day made her want to vomit.

"This is the imperial decree! You are not weak with your broken body?" Chu Mubai lowered his face and put on the emperor's airs.

Han Shushu snorted coldly.

Didn't he say he was overbearing?
She obviously didn't want to drink the tonic soup, so she had to be forced to drink it every day.She is indeed in good health, but his own physical strength is too strong, so he can't blame her for that.

"Don't be angry with me just because I favor you!" Chu Mubai pinched Han Shushu's tender cheeks affectionately.

He tidied up his clothes, ate and drank, and left the South Courtyard contentedly.

As soon as Chu Mubai left, Han Shushu immediately struggled to his feet.

She was just fully dressed and wanted to leave Shuzhai, but An Xin and Xin Xin blocked her way at the same time: "The emperor confessed that the girl will stay in Shuzhai to recuperate, this is an imperial decree!"

"What the hell do I not even have freedom of movement now?" Han Shushu said in a huff.

She is a sixth-rank official now, how can she skip work so often?

She is not a concubine in the harem of the King of Israel, why should she not be allowed to go out to work?

Chu Mubai is too domineering!
"The emperor is also sympathetic to the girl's hard work in bed. The emperor dotes on the girl, and others don't dare to chew their tongues, so the girl can rest at ease. Qingxin is bringing the tonic soup, and the medicinal bath will be prepared later. The girl is dry It's okay to rest..."

Before An Xin finished speaking, Han Shushu slammed the door hard and returned to the couch.

How is this any different than a canary in a cage?

Chu Mubai never cared about her in the past, how could he restrict her freedom just once in bed, and never play with her like this.

Seeing that Han Shushu was angry, An Xin and Mu Xin looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Their hostess is in the midst of blessings but does not know how to be blessed. She is favored by Chu Mubai but still wants to do something.Why not follow the trend, so that you can rest well and please Chu Mubai?
After that, Han Shushu took a medicinal bath to relax his body.

Then she ate some food, but she didn't touch the tonic soup alone.

That stuff made her want to vomit, and she drank it every day, and the smell made her sick.

It's not that she is hypocritical, no matter who drinks this kind of tonic soup every day, they can't stand it.After all, a lot of medicinal materials were put in, and even though it was deodorizing, she still smelled uncomfortable.

After eating, she couldn't wait to digest, so she ran back to the bed to rest.

But the news about her not drinking the tonifying soup quickly spread into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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