Chapter 1509 The Emperor Was Cried (6)

"Of course, the blue is better than the blue. Our son must be better-looking than your emperor. He is a fine breed born by the two of us." Han Shushu was spitting, when Chu Mubai raised his palm .

Ever since, the big soups came into battle, and Han Shushu's smiling face turned into a crying face.

"I don't drink these soups!" Han Shushu said categorically, "Son, help me drink it."

Yuan Bao took a look at each of the soups, corrected his expression and said, "Mother's body is weak, so drink more soup to get fatter."

Han Shushu wanted to die when he heard this.

Why do the two father and son speak in the same tone?
You can't feed her soup like this if you raise her like a pig?

"I'm full now, so I won't drink!" Han Shushu felt that he must fight to the end this time.

Otherwise, I will still have to suffer this torment every day.

"It's okay, I'll feed you." Chu Mubai was not angry either.

He has plenty of ways to deal with this delicate woman.

He took a sip of the soup, grabbed Han Shushu's back collar, twisted her closer to him, and leaned over to put the soup into her lips without saying a word.

Han Shushu pursed his lips tightly, not wanting him to succeed, but in the end he couldn't resist his overbearing, and drank the soup.During this period, the intertwining of lips and teeth between the two is inevitable.

When she broke free from Chu Mubai's control and saw the dumbfounded little guy, she was immediately annoyed, and slapped Chu Mubai's chest hard: "Chu, you are too much, how can you treat your son in front of you?" face me to do such a thing?"

Not suitable for children, is there any?
Chu Mubai didn't bother to pay attention to Han Shushu, took another sip of the soup, and wanted to have it again.

Han Shushu jumped a long way this time, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll drink it myself."

Damn stinky man, how could he be so overbearing?
Under Chu Mubai's personal supervision, Han Shushu drank some of every bowl of soup in the stew pot with grief and indignation.

After drinking, she was already stuffed to death, and Chu Mubai actually let her eat two bowls of rice, but she was really full and couldn't eat any more.

Seeing Han Shushu counting the rice grains, Chu Mubai asked in a cold voice, "How can you support yourself by eating like this?"

Does this girl usually eat this little?No wonder she was as thin as a bamboo pole, she accidentally fainted during intercourse, it turned out that her body was too weak.

"I'm full." Han Shushu replied aggrievedly.

She aired her stomach to Chu Mubai: "Look, it's all bulging. I'm really full and can't eat."

"Forget it, rest for a quarter of an hour before eating." Chu Mubai couldn't bear to press any more.

Han Shushu was angry this time, she put down the bowl and chopsticks forcefully, turned and left the dining room.

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's back, and asked Wanxin: "Did she have such a big temper before?"

Is he used to it?

"The girl is probably really full and can't eat." Wan Xin replied cautiously.

Han Shushu drank a full six or seven bowls of soup just now, he must have been exhausted, right?Only Chu Mubai felt that Han Shushu didn't eat because he was acting out of temper.

Chu Mubai frowned, and looked at the little man sitting beside him. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that this guy was an eyesore.

"Father sees what I do, and it's not that I'm making a woman angry." Yuan Bao looked back calmly, feeling that his good father was very awkward.

"What kind of woman raises what kind of child!" Chu Mubai sighed, losing his appetite for food.

When he found Shu Zhai, the woman Han Shushu actually blocked him from the door.

Of course he could break in, but he felt ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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