Chapter 1510 The Emperor Was Cried (7)

"Han Shushu, if you don't open the door, I won't come to you anymore! You have to think clearly, don't think that if I dote on you, you can be pampered!" Chu Mubai shouted loudly at the woman in the room .

Treat her well, but she actually has the nerve to be angry with him.

Han Shushu didn't speak, and now she wished that Chu Mubai could neglect her for a while so that she could catch her breath.

At least she doesn't have to be restricted in her freedom, and she doesn't have to be forced to drink all kinds of weird tonic soups.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes!" Chu Mubai said again impatiently.

Dead woman, dare to block him, the emperor, from the door, and treat him as a fake emperor?
As a result, he waited for a full quarter of an hour, but the woman inside did not open the door.For a moment, he became really angry, and flung his sleeves away!

Sure enough, she is pampered and spoiled, and women just can't get used to it. Give her a little color and open a dyeing room.

Chu Mubai paced back and forth in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, both Chu Yun and Wanxin were dizzy from the shaking.

"Give me an idea to rule Han Shushu and make her obey my words. If I tell her to go east, she won't dare to go west!" Chu Mubai stopped and said to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun was a little confused when he heard this.He looked at Wanxin and asked Wanxin to answer.

"Your majesty, this is the temperament of a girl. Someday, if a girl really obeys the emperor's advice, the emperor must think that such a girl has no pleasure of conquering." Wan Xin replied cautiously.

"You see she is becoming more and more lawless, dare to block me from the door!" Chu Mubai started pacing again as he spoke.

"Isn't this all from the emperor's favor?" Chu Yun spoke the truth weakly.

Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun coldly: "Do you believe that I threw Xiaocao onto Lu Qingyun's couch?!"

As soon as Chu Yun heard this, he immediately knelt down in front of Chu Mubai, and slapped himself hard on the face: "I know my mistake, my majesty forgives me!"

Chu Mubai felt unhappy in his heart. Seeing Chu Yun like this, he immediately thought of a way to torture Chu Yun.

"Chu Yun, you are ineffective, and I will punish you not to see Xiaocao for seven days! If you dare to violate the order, I will cut you off!"

Seeing Chu Yun's expression of a dead relative, Chu Mubai's depressed mood finally improved.

If he is not happy, lovers all over the world should be separated, and no one can feel better than him.

Seeing Chu Yun being punished, Wanxin secretly rejoiced that she didn't have a loved one, otherwise she would definitely be punished like this by Chu Mubai.

It's true to say that his master's possessiveness towards Han Shushu is getting stronger and stronger, and this method of torturing people is also abnormal enough.

Emotions are really scary.

That night, Wanxin was also having a hard time, and was yelled at by Chu Mubai all night.

In the morning court the next day, the unlucky man became a civil and military official.

After finally breaking up, everyone was whispering.

Later, Chu Yingchen whispered to Nangong: "This king heard that the emperor was blocked by Han Shushu last night, so the emperor became angry and made a fuss about us. The emperor is really getting more and more private. separated."

Nangong smiled: "This proves that Xiao Shu is very attractive, and it also shows that the emperor cares more and more about Xiao Shu, which is a good thing."

Chu Yingchen looked at Nangong thoughtfully: "Are you really letting go of Han Shushu?"

"Is there anything you can't let go of, Xiao Shu is my younger sister, as long as she is happy now." Nangong replied calmly.

He has tried his best not to see Han Shushu, and he doesn't want to make Chu Mubai misunderstand anything.

It took him half his life to understand this truth, and he will definitely take care of his body and control his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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