Chapter 1512 The Emperor Was Cried (9)

Chu Mubai looked at Wanxin with deep eyes, which made Wanxin's scalp tingle.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun shouted sharply: "Dirty, how could the emperor use such a low-handed method to get a girl—"

After receiving Chu Mubai's cold look, Chu Yun suddenly knew that Chu Mubai was very satisfied with this dirty method.

Sure enough, the king's heart is unpredictable.It's also a dirty method, but Chu Mubai prefers the second method.

"Forget it, let's get started. In the Chuxiu Palace, I will invite some beautiful concubines who want me to attend the dinner. Remember to create some opportunities for them to prescribe drugs, and then wait for the right time to bring Han Shushu to me. on the couch." Chu Mubai said, showing a satisfied smile.

The previous depression was swept away.

He wondered how long that woman Han Shushu would be able to laugh, before she could become his little pet on the couch and serve him obediently?
Everyone was ordered to disperse.

Xiaocao took Xiaoyuanbao and was about to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but Chu Yun followed her, staring at her face all the time.

"What are you doing with me all this time?" Xiaocao glanced at Chu Yun helplessly.

Chu Yun only felt that Xiaocao's eyes were flowing, she was charming and charming, her round face was very cute.Why didn't he find Xiaocao so beautiful before?
Seeing Chu Yun looking at her stupidly, Xiaocao was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Chu Yun is an idiot, and sometimes he can't reason with him.

In this way, Chu Yun escorted Xiaocao all the way from the Hall of Mental Cultivation to the East Palace, and then reluctantly left.

Lu Qingyun is no longer on duty in the East Palace, he has gone to Wenpan Pavilion to sort out books and documents, and will soon take part in the next imperial examination.His purpose is to be far away, so that he can enter the court and become an official.

Originally full of ambition, when he saw the warm scene of Chu Yun and Xiaocao walking hand in hand, he suddenly felt that he had no chance of winning.

Chu Yun and Xiaocao have been friends for many years. He has inquired carefully these days, and both Han Shushu and Chu Mubai intend to promote their pair.I also heard that earlier, Xiaocao actually wanted to marry Chu Yun, but Chu Yun didn't understand and made Xiaocao angry.

He appeared just at that time, giving him a chance to sneak in.

It turned out that he did have such an opportunity, but he didn't know how to cherish it.

Some opportunities come only once, and if you miss them, you may never have them again.

He turned around without interest, and when he saw Shi Xiuyu standing not far away, he paused slightly.

Shi Xiuyu has a handsome face, elegant and quiet.Regardless of her temperament or appearance, they are above the grass.He used to be fascinated by this woman, but it turned out to be nothing more than a fascination.

Shi Xiuyu walked up to Lu Qingyun slowly, and said in a hoarse voice: "You have also seen that Xiaocao and Chu Yun are a pair, and there is no place for you between them, why do you bother?"

Lu Qingyun's amorous peach blossom eyes flashed a gloomy color, Shi Xiuyu saw it clearly, and lobbied again: "Don't get entangled in the future, Xiaocao can't accept you anymore..."

"I said, we will not violate the water in the well in the future, and we don't need to say hello when we see each other in the future." Lu Qingyun replied softly, and then left without looking back.

Shi Xiuyu's beautiful eyes were full of tears, and she was choked up for a moment.

In fact, as long as Lu Qingyun can turn back, she must be able to turn back, she likes him so much.

Why can he empathize when he can say that empathy is enough, Xiaocao robs her of Lu Qingyun, Han Shushu robs Chu Mubai, why are these women blocking her way.

If she had to kill these two disgusting women, no one would stand in her way?
(End of this chapter)

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