Chapter 1513 The Emperor Was Cried (10)

Compared to killing Han Shushu, the person Shi Xiuyu wants to kill is Xiaocao.Moreover, she will definitely kill Xiaocao!
What kind of Gu insects, why not give Xiaocao a play, and it would be best for her to see that Xiaocao's life is worse than death.

The man who dares to rob her, is that little maid worthy? !
Han Shushu lived happily for two days.Without Chu Mubai meddling with her, life is so comfortable.

She can eat whatever she wants, go wherever she wants, and do what she likes to do.

Only Lou Jinghong, a dead man, was more difficult to deal with, thinking of ways to show his face in front of her every day.Piansheng was able to escape the eyes and ears of everyone, and became more and more daring, sometimes breaking into the Tai Hospital directly, and sometimes running into her bedroom in the middle of the night to scare people.

She had just left the south courtyard that day, and she heard that Chu Mubai was going to hold a beauty appreciation party in Chuxiu Palace.

All the concubines in the palace who are particularly beautiful can participate. It is said that there are thirty people who participated, and each of them is outstanding in appearance.

Han Shushu was sour when he heard the news.

Men are really unreliable at all. In a cold war, he will spread ambiguity with other women. Why is he so unruly?

Sometimes she really wants to find some men to play with, so that Chu Mubai can taste her displeasure.

"Is the girl really not going to participate? It's all Chu Yun's talkativeness. Originally, the emperor never thought about holding a banquet. Chu Yun said that the beauties in the palace should be taken out for a walk from time to time, otherwise they will get moldy and rust. It's just that the emperor is depressed , so I complied with Chu Yun's request. The maidservant is most afraid that so many concubines will try to attack the emperor's dragon body, how will it be better at that time? Why don't the girls also participate? Only the maidservant can feel at ease when there are girls around." Wanxin followed Han After being tied up, I tried my best to encourage them.

Han Shushu glanced at Wanxin, and replied quietly: "First, I am not his concubine; second, my appearance is not outstanding enough. In short, I am not qualified to participate in any feast, you go back. "

She wouldn't be so stupid as to go to Chuxiu Palace and watch Chu Mubai surrounded by all the beauties, she is not the abusive type.

"The servant girl is really worried that the emperor will be persecuted..."

"Can you shut up? With his dragon body, how could ordinary poison be able to move him? Don't worry, men all over the world may be poisoned, but he won't." Han Shushu interrupted Wanxin impatiently .

Wanxin was speechless for a moment.

"Your servant will leave." She left the Tai Hospital.

Because I was thinking about the feast tonight, I was too focused on it, but accidentally bumped into someone.

When she looked up, a beautiful eunuch came into her eyes.

She pointed at the other person's nose: "I recognize you, you are a little-rat!"

Chen Hao also looked pleasantly surprised, and politely said to Wanxin: "I have seen my aunt."

He wanted to soften his heart today, so he came here specially to block people.

These two days have passed, and Lou Jinghong has not done anything yet, so he gave Wanxin to play with him, and he felt a little itchy for a while, so he wanted to create a chance encounter here.

Let Wanxin get to know herself first, so as not to be rude to the beautiful woman during the intercourse.

"There's no need to be too polite. I'm going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so I'll be back first." Wanxin's gaze was fixed on Chen Hao's face.

I always feel that as a eunuch, the little mouse's appearance seems too outstanding, and his sense of presence is too strong, I always feel that this eunuch doesn't look right.

"Respectfully send off aunt." Chen Hao said again respectfully.

Wan Xin nodded slightly, and left without looking back.

 It's over, I'm so tired, I'll go back to normal speed tomorrow.Dear friends, why do you think Shisan will touch other concubines? Shisan can't react at all when he sees other women, poor child.

(End of this chapter)

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