The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1527 Overbearing and Dictatorship

Chapter 1527 Overbearing and Dictatorship (6)

At the moment when Han Shushu was in a panic, Chu Mubai suddenly ordered in a low voice: "Take it off!"

Han Shushu bit his lower lip aggrievedly, he would never let her do such a shameful thing before.She is not one of his harem concubines, why should she strip herself clean and be humiliated by him?

"The moment I knew you were running away, I was thinking that after I found you, I would chop off your toes one by one, and you would never run away again—"

Chu Mubai's water-like voice resounded in the empty room.

Han Shushu imagined the terrible scene of her toes being pulled out by Chu Mubai, and shivered, she hurriedly said loudly, "I'll take it off!"

Just stop scaring her.

Still the same sentence, the little girl can bend and stretch!
It's not difficult to undress like a horse.It's not that he hasn't seen it, and there are no outsiders here. If he wants to see it, let him.

At that moment, she took off her dress in an arrogant and arrogant manner, and soon she was only wearing obscene clothes.

She looked at Chu Mubai eagerly: "Boss, is it okay?"

Chu Mubai didn't raise his eyes, but said two words with his thin lips: "Continue!"

Han Shushu glared at Chu Mubai for a while, and then reluctantly took off the last fig leaf on his body.

Chu Mubai raised his eyes again, and saw a beautiful female body in front of him.

The messy black hair on the woman's chest blocked the scenery on her chest.His eyes were gloomy, and he stepped forward a little bit, pulling her ink-like blue hair behind him, revealing her beautiful body.

Han Shushu's jade skin is as delicate and smooth as white porcelain. Under the cover of the lamplight, the woman's snow-colored skin exudes a lustrous light-colored pearl.Although it is not plump, it is charming.

She is like the camellia that is soaked in dew in the morning light and waiting to be picked, pink and tender, pure and beautiful.

Chu Mubai's eyes darkened, and he opened his mouth to bite her round shoulder, biting once and for all.

Han Shushu's fists clenched and then separated, loosened and clenched again, not daring to speak.

This dead man regarded her as a delicacy, so he gnawed and gnawed on her like this.

After half an hour, Chu Mubai finally shut up.

But her whole body was covered with tooth marks left by Chu Mubai, and no one place was complete.This stinky man actually bit off every part of her body, leaving his mark.

"This time I just punished you a little, and next time, I will chop off your hands and feet, make a human urn and put it on my bedside, so that you can't go anywhere!"

When Chu Mubai said this, Han Shushu's face turned pale with fright.

She flinched, unable to imagine the plight of being made into a human urn.

Didn't she just run away this time, and before she ran out of the palace, he actually wanted to make her into a human urn.

People say that being with you is like being with a tiger. Isn't that too scary?
"Finally know how to be afraid?" Seeing Han Shushu's shrinking look, Chu Mubai touched her snowy back.

Han Shushu pouted and stood in front of him without making a sound.

Chu Mubai didn't take it seriously, picked up her clothes, helped her put them on one by one, touched her body up and down, and even teased her once.Seeing that her pale face was flushed, and her little face had a hint of spring, she stopped.

Han Shushu looked at the man who was squatting in front of him helping her put on the embroidered shoes, and his mind was mixed for a while.

This is to beat her with a stick, and give her a sweet date, shall I?

Chu Mubai is so kind to herself. To be honest, she is very happy.But his possessiveness was a little too strong, which made her very uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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