The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1528 Overbearing and Dictatorship

Chapter 1528 Overbearing and Dictatorship (7)

"I'll say it one last time, if you dare to escape again, I won't let you go!" Chu Mubai pulled Han Shushu up and said with a straight face.

Han Shushu pursed his lips lightly, and turned his head away from Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai pinched her delicate snowy palate: "Why don't you answer me?"

Han Shushu snorted softly: "I let you finish everything, what else can I say?"

Could she still resist his dictatorship?
"Why, not convinced?" Chu Mubai's hand increased strength, causing Han Shushu to cast a resentful look at Chu Mubai in pain.

Chu Mubai saw it clearly, and his cold lips mossed on her face: "Don't challenge my patience. If you answer me, do you still dare to run away?"

Han Shushu replied in a muffled voice, "Don't dare."

How dare she be so domineering as the emperor boy.

"I have never seen a woman who is more ignorant than you!" Chu Mubai held Han Shushu's hand tightly, and pulled her out of the bedroom.

As soon as he went to court, he was running around looking for her. You must know that he is the emperor of Southern Chu, and he has a lot of business to do.

Han Shushu just snorted twice proudly.

"Forget it, from now on I will start to neglect you, at least I won't order you to sleep in bed for at least a month. As you wish, are you happy?" Chu Mubai said, and gave Han Shushu a cold look.

Han Shushu was taken aback, then turned to look at Chu Mubai: "Is the emperor sure?"

She didn't believe that Chu Mubai could bear not to touch her at all, and she didn't believe that he could get rid of this strong possessive desire.

"I'm sure. I'm the emperor anyway, and it's not a good thing to think about the love of my children all day long. I've been busy dealing with you these few days, and I have no intention of governing the government. I want to snub you, little fairy." Chu Mubai said, in the Han Shushu put a kiss on her slightly fragrant hair.

He was indeed a little too possessive of her, no wonder she wasn't happy to run away.

It's better to stay away from her a little bit, maybe you can make yourself normal, and stop trapping her all the time.

Hearing what Chu Mubai said, Han Shushu actually felt quite guilty.

Wouldn't a month be too long?
Why don't she go to bed every few days?
But how could she say such words?

After all, she caused the trouble.The reason why she ran out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation was actually to resist Chu Mubai, an evil force.

Unexpectedly, this man would actually give in for himself, and planned to abstain from sex for a month.He wouldn't touch her, and surely he wouldn't touch any other woman, would he?

To be honest, it is a bit cruel to treat a man who is in good health and has normal physiological needs like this.

"I have fulfilled your wish, shouldn't you be happy?" Chu Mubai lowered his eyes and saw Han Shushu's bitter face.

He was about to touch her face when he remembered what he said just now.

That's all, restraint, restraint.As long as you can't see her, there will be no impulse.

This will not make her feel resentful towards herself.

As far as he is concerned, what is intolerable?

"Thirteen, I..." Han Shushu wanted to speak, but he still couldn't say anything.

Anyway, I feel that I am too sorry for this man, and I am in a terrible mood.

At this time they had already left the Liuli Palace, Chu Mubai grabbed her waist, soared into the air, and leaped towards the lake.

After that, Chu Mubai sent her to the south courtyard, and then left without looking back.

Seeing her come back, Xiaocao immediately greeted her happily: "Little Ancestor, do you know that we almost turned over the entire palace because of you? You haven't seen Shisan's anxious look when he couldn't find you."

(End of this chapter)

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