Chapter 1532 Your Majesty, Restrain! (3)

"In my opinion, she must be suffering from lovesickness. When you meet a man you love one day, if you don't see that person, you will not think about food and tea, and you will be crazy about it."

Han Shushu's words made Zhao Fei'er astonished.

lovesickness?Don't want tea or rice?

But if she can't see Chu Mubai, she won't think about tea and food. Could it be that Chu Mubai is not her beloved man?

how can that be possible?
A man like Chu Mubai is overwhelmed by the country, and he is also the king of a country. After seeing Chu Mubai that day, she almost couldn't breathe.

"Han Shushu, are you sure you won't think about food if you don't see the man you like?" Zhao Fei'er asked after Han Shushu.

This question must be asked clearly.

"Yeah, just like when I can't see Shisan, I will always miss him. Sometimes when I see him, I am afraid that he will not like me. If you look at Changting again, Chu Yingchen hasn't accompanied me these days. She, she just lost her soul like this. Once she meets someone she really likes, she will become very possessive and worry about gains and losses." Han Shushu patiently explained.

She is also a person who has experienced it.

Zhao Fei'er was stunned when she heard this.

Why has she never felt this way?Could it be that she hasn't met the man she really likes yet?

And she has no love for Chu Mubai?
Zhao Fei'er, who is still in love, still can't understand this truth.

If she doesn't even like a man like Chu Mubai, then what kind of man can get her eyes?

Han Shushu didn't know that what she said made Zhao Fei'er see her heart clearly. What she cared about was Qin Changting.

"Is Chu Yingchen still not getting close to you?" Han Shushu asked Qin Changting to a corner where no one was around, and asked in a low voice.

Seeing Qin Changting's haggard face, one could tell that she was in a bad mood.

Qin Changting took advantage of the situation and hugged Han Shushu's waist tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't worry about gains and losses like this before, but recently I have become less and less like myself."

"Fool, you didn't get the hang of it before, but now you lose your composure because you like Chu Yingchen too much. Changting, listen to me. There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but you can't be too stubborn. I used to be too paranoid, I almost separated from Thirteen forever. Feelings are very fragile and cannot stand the test. As for women, they still have to have their own careers, otherwise they will devote all their attention to men, and once they lose it one day, they will not be able to bear it ,Do you get me?"

Han Shushu said softly.

Qin Changting shook his head, then nodded again: "I know, you want me to focus on studying medicine, and don't put all my heart on Chu Yingchen."

"That's exactly what it means. This human heart cannot be controlled, but we can make ourselves better, so that our men have no worries. Especially in this era of imperial power, it is always good to learn more. If you want to be serious I will teach you everything I can." Han Shushu lightly pinched Qin Changting's face.

Qin Changting nodded without hesitation: "I want to learn, you teach me!"

"That's fine. Since you are not happy when you go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion, why don't you stay in the South Courtyard at night, and I will teach you some poison techniques after dinner."

As soon as Han Shushu said this, Qin Changting's eyes lit up immediately.

She joyfully kissed Han Shushu's face forcefully.

Liu He watched this scene.He couldn't make up his mind for a moment, could he write down this scene and tell the truth to the master of the Hall of Mental Cultivation?

(End of this chapter)

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