Chapter 1533 Your Majesty, Restrain! (4)

In the afternoon, Liu He still didn't dare to hide anything, and told Chu Mubai what he had seen and heard.

Chu Mubai, who was originally amiable, heard that Han Shushu was kissed by Qin Changting, and that Qin Changting was going to live in the South Courtyard, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was even more gloomy like a rainy day.

Seeing that Long Yan was furious, Liu He shook his body, feeling a little apprehensive.

It wasn't until Chu Mubai returned to normal and signaled that he could back down, that he shrank back and fled.

After Liu He left, Chu Yun found that Chu Mubai's mood was very strange.

Originally, he was a handsome young man with clear features and eyes, but now, Chu Mubai was anxious, pacing back and forth in the hall.

Didn't you say you should restrain yourself?Just because Liu He said Han Shushu was kissed by Qin Changting once, did their wise and martial master lose his temper?

"Chu Yun, do you think Shu Shu will fall in love with a woman?" Chu Mubai paused, looked at Chu Yun and asked.

Chu Yun suppressed his smile and replied: "The emperor thinks too much. The girl only likes the emperor, how can she like a woman?!"

Chu Mubai nodded slightly, feeling that his words made sense.

It is said that you must restrain yourself and stop thinking wildly.

When he turned back into the hall, what flashed before his eyes was the picture of Qin Changting and Han Shushu rolling on the couch.

He paused, furious in his heart.

This woman Han Shushu belongs to him, no matter what kind of monster the other party is, he is not allowed to defile his woman!

Seeing that Chu Mubai was about to rush out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Chu Yun hurriedly blocked his way: "Your Majesty, restrain yourself!"

Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun coldly, Chu Yun was not scared off this time, and respectfully said: "The emperor wrote 'restraint' a hundred times in the morning, if you leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation now, all previous efforts will be wasted, Your Majesty Are you sure you want to see the girl at this time?"

Chu Mubai let out a long breath.

Yes, restraint, isn't this cocooning yourself?

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the girl is normal at first glance, how can she like a woman? What's more, the princess regent likes the regent king, so it is impossible to seduce the girl. The emperor's concern is chaotic!" Chu Yun comforted again.

Chu Mubai nodded frequently, feeling that Chu Yun's analysis made sense.

That night, Chu Mubai still appeared in the South Courtyard.

When he saw the two women sleeping peacefully on the couch, Chu Mubai clenched his fists at this unsightly scene, and he winked at Wanxin.

Wanxin understood, touched Qin Changting's sleeping point, and then put Qin Changting on the couch next door.

But Chu Mubai sat in front of the couch and didn't leave immediately.

After another two hours of sitting, Wanxin couldn't stand it any longer, and Chu Mubai left Shuzhai contentedly.

What kind of restraint is this? It was clearly agreed that we would only see each other every few days.It's a good thing now, I've seen you so soon, and I still don't want to leave after seeing you.

The next day Qin Changting woke up and found that she had been thrown on the ground. She struggled to get up, still a little dazed, not understanding what happened.

Han Shushu was also a little confused, and later thought that Qin Changting must have suffered from nocturnal excursions, so he moved to sleep halfway through his sleep.

For the next two days, Qin Changting woke up and found that he had been vacated.

So the two women were even more sure that Qin Changting suffered from nocturnal excursions.

Qin Changting was still troubled by Chu Yingchen's sudden indifference towards her.Another distressed person is that Chen Hao.

He had been waiting for Lou Jinghong to reward him with Wanxin, but after waiting and waiting, Lou Jinghong didn't make a move, which made him lose his patience.

(End of this chapter)

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