Chapter 1534 Your Majesty, Restrain! (6)

An Xin points to Wan Xin's lips: "How could your lips..."

If she remembered correctly, every time Han Shushu went to bed, he looked like he had been ravaged by someone.And Wanxin's appearance at the moment is exactly the same.

Wanxin also felt that something was wrong, she hurriedly found the bronze mirror, and when she saw her own appearance, she was startled.

"An Xin, how long have I been late than usual?" Wan Xin asked in a deep voice.

Seeing Wanxin's expression, An Xin knew that the situation was a bit serious, so she replied truthfully: "It's about an hour late!"

When Wanxin heard this, her heart suddenly turned cold.

She carefully opened her collar, and when she saw the ambiguous marks on her neck and chest, her face changed again.

"Go and invite the girl here!" Wan Xin clenched her fists tightly, trying to hold back the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll go and invite the girl here." An Xin knew that something serious had happened, and hurriedly rushed out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Han Shushu quickly arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Wanxin cried and fell into her arms when she saw her meal.

"Silly girl, don't cry yet, I'll help you take a look." Han Shushu had already heard An Xin talk about the strangeness on the way here.

"Slave, slave girl, could it be that someone has defiled her?" Wan Xin asked with a choked voice.

Han Shushu didn't make a sound, and asked Wanxin to take off her clothes.

When she saw Wanxin's body densely covered with ambiguous marks, she took a deep breath.

It wasn't until she checked Wanxin's lower body again that she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, your innocence has not been destroyed."

As soon as she said this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Under Han Shushu's cross-examination, Wanxin revealed that she suddenly fell into a coma on the palace road.

During this hour of drowsiness, she was completely unconscious and had no idea what had happened.

Not long after, this incident also alarmed Chu Mubai.

"You are so brave, you dare to commit murder in broad daylight, and you dare to touch the maids around me!" Chu Mubai was furious when he heard this.

Who is it who has fainted Wanxin quietly, and who can avoid the eyes and ears of everyone, and play Wanxin lightly.

Could it be the murderer who committed crimes in the palace last time?

"Chu Yun, are you still investigating what I asked you to investigate? After such a long time, don't you have any clues?" Chu Mubai glanced coldly at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun's scalp was numb from Chu Mubai's look, and he suddenly knelt down in front of Chu Mubai's imperial court: "Dereliction of duty, the most, the most recent thoughts of humble duty have been on Xiaocao, forgot, forgot to investigate this matter thoroughly..."

Hearing this, Chu Mubai wanted to kick Chu Yun to the ground, but Chu Yun didn't dare to hide, but at the last moment, Chu Mubai stopped him.

Can he blame Chu Yun?He himself was not the same, all his thoughts were on Han Shushu, and he completely forgot about those cases.

Speaking of it, it's all a woman's fault, it's all a scourge!
Chu Mubai's eyes fixed on Han Shushu's face, and found that she was absent-mindedly standing aside, not knowing what she was thinking, as if she had been petrified.

"Girl, the emperor is calling you." Seeing that Han Shushu was in a daze, An Xin pushed Han Shushu's arm.

Only then did Han Shushu regain his composure, and looked at Chu Mubai: "What is the emperor's order?"

"What were you thinking just now?!" Chu Mubai asked coldly.

He was right in front of her, but she actually regarded him as nothing?
Han Shushu shook his head slowly, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Lou Jinghong said that he was responsible for the previous few cases.But today Wanxin was humiliated, if it was still Lou Jinghong's hands, she would definitely not be able to get around him!
(End of this chapter)

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