Chapter 1535 Your Majesty, Restrain! (7)

Han Shushu didn't even know whether to tell Chu Mubai about it.

Only when she confronted Lou Jinghong and asked if it was Lou Jinghong's murderous hand, could she deal with it.

"Go down, you have nothing to do here. Be careful what you do, don't follow the ways of the wicked." Seeing that Han Shushu was in a trance, Chu Mubai thought she was intimidated, and motioned her to back down.

Han Shushu withdrew as he said, and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She quickly went to Chuxiu Palace, and when she saw Lou Jinghong reclining on the couch, she suddenly became furious, rushed forward and grabbed his collar, and asked in a deep voice: "Did you feel sorry for Wanxin?" The poisonous hand?!"

Lou Jinghong looked at Han Shushu indifferently: "With her beauty, I'm not interested."

"It's really not you?" Han Shushu's tone softened, and he looked at Lou Jinghong in disbelief.

"Like I said, I'm not interested in Wanxin!" Lou Jinghong pushed Han Shushu away with all his strength.

Han Shushu changed his face when he saw Lou Jinghong said that he changed his face, and then he remembered that his identity was at least the owner of Xuantian City.He was used to being arrogant, but now he was being questioned by his collar, thinking that he had lost face.

"No, no, why are you angry? But if you dare to commit crimes in broad daylight, and still avoid the eyes and ears of everyone, who else would you have?" Han Shushu's eyes fixed on Lou Jinghong's face.

Lou Jinghong glanced at Han Shushu, then avoided her gaze.

Seeing this detail, Han Shushu approached Lou Jinghong with a sneer, and asked sullenly, "You know who the murderer is!"

Lou Jinghong didn't make a sound, how could he not know, of course it was Chen Hao's murderous hand.

"Are you from Xuantian City?!" Han Shushu approached Lou Jinghong again, and asked furiously.

"This seat has already restrained Chen Hao, he should not go too far..." Before Lou Jinghong finished speaking, Han Shushu grabbed his collar again: "What the hell did you hand Chen Hao over? come out!"

Sure enough, it has something to do with Lou Jinghong.

Only the people in Xuantian City dare to behave like this, to murder a little maid in broad daylight, these people are beasts.

"All right, all right, don't be angry, isn't she just a court lady? I'll call Chen Hao over." Lou Jinghong has never seen a woman dare to grab his collar and talk, and at this moment he feels a little guilty, after all, Chen Hao is his The right protector.

In Xuantian City, Chen Hao is under one person and above ten thousand people, he is used to being arrogant, sometimes he doesn't even listen to his words, how can he be blamed for this matter?
Not long after, Chen Hao, who was dressed in a blue robe, entered the room.

With a smile on his lips, affection in his eyebrows and eyes, he has a handsome demeanor, and he looks like a beast in clothes.

"Little mouse?!" Han Shushu looked at Chen Hao in disbelief.

The frivolous and gentle Deng Tuzi is actually this human-looking little mouse?

"Miss Han, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Chen Hao had just passed his addiction to mouth and hand, and he was in a very good mood.

"It's you, bastard, who made Wanxin so frivolous?!" Han Shushu rushed to Chen Hao, grabbed his collar and questioned angrily.

Chen Hao frowned in displeasure.

This woman is really no big or small, dare to talk to him like this.

Even though Lou Jinghong was protecting him, even if he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to make it too obvious.

"The girl should say that she is blessed to be in my favor. But not every woman has the opportunity to be loved by me. If she is sensible, she can obediently offer her body—"

Before Chen Hao finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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