Chapter 1536 Your Majesty, Restrain! (8)

Then the pain spread, accompanied by a sharp itching, which made Chen Hao unable to straighten up in pain.

"You, you dare to poison this protector?" Chen Hao looked at Han Shushu in disbelief.

Does Han Shushu really think he won't kill her?

He endured the pain, and only when he touched the corner of Han Shushu's clothes, Lou Jinghong said, "Chen Hao, are you still begging the girl?"

He looked at Lou Jinghong, there was a murderous look in Lou Jinghong's eyes.

For a moment, he almost forgot that Han Shushu is a woman who must never be touched, and she is the only woman the city lord cares about.

"Miss, please give me the antidote! I really love Wanxin, and I want Wanxin's body—"

"Damn! You want Wanxin's body to stun her, so you can do something to her?" Han Shushu blushed with anger.

Damn Lou Jinghong, what kind of right guardian did he raise, isn't he too lawless?
"I'm in Xuantian City, as long as it's the woman I'm looking for, no matter who it is, Wanxin is no exception!" Chen Hao replied coldly.

He just wanted a woman, so why was he bullied by Han Shushu like this?
"If you really want to be so capable, let Wanxin follow you willingly, otherwise don't expect to miss her any more!" After Han Shushu finished his roar, he looked at Lou Jinghong and said, "Take care of your subordinates, if there is another time, I do not forgive you!"

After Han Shushu finished yelling, he flung his sleeves and left.

Lou Jinghong just felt incomprehensible.

It wasn't him who did it, why is Han Shushu so angry at him?

"It's good that you kept your hand this time, otherwise I won't protect you. You have to suffer from the poison for a few days first, and you are not allowed to detoxify without my order. Go." Lou Jinghong didn't want to see Chen Hao.

It's all a woman's fault.

It's just a small palace man, what kind of woman does Chen Hao want, why is he so obsessed with Yu Wanxin?
Thinking about it again, it seems that he is also obsessed with Han Shushu...

After Han Shushu left Chuxiu Palace, he returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After confirming that Wanxin was resting, she carefully checked Wanxin's body.In the end, he still had spare hands, if Lou Jinghong wasn't there, Chen Hao's dead mouse might have taken away Wanxin's innocence.

She never thought that Lou Jinghong was a bad person before, even when he burned down a palace, murdered people, and ruined the woman's innocence, she also felt that Lou Jinghong did this out of his nature, because he was a mysterious person. The lord of Tiancheng.

Seeing that Wanxin was almost trampled by Chen Hao today, she realized that Lou Jinghong and herself are from two worlds.

How could she become friends with the Lord of Xuantian City who did whatever he wanted?

When Chu Mubai learned that Han Shushu was in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he couldn't help but come to see her.

But she was immersed in her own thoughts, her pink lips were tightly pursed, and her expression looked too serious, not at all like her usual smile.

It seems that ever since Wanxin encountered such an accident, this woman has something on her mind.

However, it was impossible for her to tell him what was on her mind.

Han Shushu belatedly found Chu Mubai standing behind her. She looked back at Chu Mubai, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but she still couldn't say it.

If Chu Mubai knew that he had been having a private relationship with the city lord of Xuantian City, would he ignore her again?
Suddenly she discovered that if the facts that were not revealed at the beginning were revealed suddenly, it might cause unnecessary trouble.

She was afraid that Chu Mubai would never trust her again.

She was too stupid to think that Lou Jinghong was harmless, who would have thought that his people would play tricks on Wanxin?
(End of this chapter)

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