Chapter 1537 Oily and smooth-tongued honey-belly sword (1)

"Thirteen, if I hide something important from you, will you be angry with me?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai and asked in a hoarse voice.

Let's find out the man's tone first, and then think about whether to tell him the truth.

"Tell me, what are you hiding from me?" Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu suspiciously.

Judging by the woman's expression, it must be no small matter that she lied to him.

"Answer me first, will you be angry?" Han Shushu wrapped his arms around Chu Mubai's neck, looking at Chu Mubai with beautiful eyes, but it was very seductive.

Chu Mubai looked at the face of the woman in front of him, and his breathing was a little short.

"Are you stealing someone behind my back?" After a long time, Chu Mubai spat out the sentence through his teeth.

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head hastily: "How is it possible? I have you, how can I have a crush on other men?"

Chu Mubai's pupils were dark, like a bottomless millennium cold pool, which fascinated her, but also made her terrified.

She was afraid that he would get angry, so she would be terrified.

But the matter has come to an end, if she doesn't speak out, Chu Mubai will find out that the real culprit is someone from Xuantian City.

After all, the person who was hurt this time was Wanxin.

Wanxin is not only Chu Mubai's confidant, but also her relative!

"Honey, you promise me that no matter what I tell you, you won't be angry, okay?" Han Shushu straightened Chu Mubai's face and said every word.

Chu Mubai snorted coldly: "Tell me first, if I can't forgive you, why should I forgive you?"

They were talking, when Chu Yun hurried in: "Your Majesty..."

When he saw the men and women of you and me, Chu Yun hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look any further.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Chu Mubai pushed Han Shushu aside, slightly hooking his lips.

"I specifically asked someone to ask. There was a suspicious eunuch named Little Mouse. Someone saw him lingering on the palace road where Wanxin had an accident!" Chu Yun truthfully reported.

"Since that's the case, why are you still dawdling? Why don't you just arrest him?!" Chu Mubai suddenly slapped the table with his palm, which made Han Shushu jump.

"I've already looked for it, but the little mouse has disappeared." Chu Yun unconsciously lowered his head, not daring to look at Chu Mubai who was furious.

Seeing that Chu Mubai's handsome face was tense, Han Shushu secretly wondered if Chu Mubai would kill her if she told the truth at this time.

Why don't we talk about it at an appropriate time next time?
Just when she was struggling, there were noises from far to near, as if Zhao Jinzhong was screaming: "Who dares to trespass into the Hall of Mental Cultivation..."

Han Shushu's heart shuddered, suddenly feeling very bad.

There is such a bold person who dares to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it must be Lou Jinghong.

She almost jumped up, and immediately wanted to find a place to hide.

But for a while, where can she hide?

Because of time constraints, she couldn't think of a place to hide, so she simply squatted down and nestled by Chu Mubai's feet.

This sudden move of hers made Chu Mubai look sideways, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

Han Shushu regretted it after squatting.Doesn't this tell Chu Mubai clearly that he has a guilty conscience?

It's over, if something bad happens this time, I'm afraid Chu Mubai will be very angry and very angry after knowing the truth...

Just when she was thinking about it, two stunning men broke in. Could it be Lou Jinghong and his right protector Chen Hao?
(End of this chapter)

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