Chapter 1538 Oily and smooth-tongued honey-belly sword (2)

Chu Mubai saw who was coming, and a strange color flashed in his deep eyes.

He glanced at Han Shushu who was squatting beside him again, and a bone-biting coldness flashed in his eyes.

Damn woman, she really is stealing men behind her back, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!
Han Shushu grinned at Chu Mubai, clasped his palms together, and mouthed, "I didn't mean to hide it from you!"

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu coldly, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He looked at Lou Jinghong who had already arrived in front of him: "Is this Hall of Mental Cultivation, a place you can break through just as you say?!"

Lou Jinghong smiled wickedly, but his long and narrow phoenix eyes were as cold as iron.

He sat down next to Chu Mubai with an elegant and noble posture.

"There is no place in this world that I can't break into, even your palace. You are an emperor, with a harem of three thousand, and it takes ten years to find a beautiful woman to sleep with you every day. It's just those concubines you raised It's really not that good, it's old and hard, and I can't chew it." Lou Jinghong poured a cup of tea self-consciously: "However, there is an exception for a woman..."

He hesitated to speak, and smiled maliciously at Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai probably also knew that a certain woman beside him had met Lou Jinghong long ago, otherwise this woman would not have been so guilty as to get under the table.

Very good, dare to cuckold him under his nose, this woman Han Shushu deserves to die!

"Xiao Shushu, I'm here, why don't you come out to meet him?!" Lou Jinghong raised the corners of his lips with a half-smile.

Han Shushu complained endlessly.

Retribution is coming, if she is more forthright and confesses this matter before Lou Jinghong, she won't end up in the current dilemma.

She didn't want to face such a perverted Lou Jinghong at all. Lou Jinghong would definitely provoke the relationship between her and Chu Mubai.

"Why, you need me to beat you three times and invite you four times before you are willing to come out?" Lou Jinghong asked patiently.

Han Shushu armed his facial expression, then climbed up Chu Mubai's thigh as if nothing had happened, sat down on the seat next to Chu Mubai, and whispered to Chu Mubai: "Thirteen, don't listen to him Nonsense, I don't know him at all!"

"I'm not familiar with you, you will give me something as expensive as gel cream? If you are not familiar with me, you will climb onto my couch..."

"Lou Jinghong, don't talk nonsense, when did I climb into your couch, you spout blood!" Han Shushu interrupted Lou Jinghong's words, and jumped up.

This white-eyed wolf, thanks to her being so kind to him, he came to drive a wedge between her and Chu Mubai.

"Okay, I got it wrong, I climbed your couch—"

"Shut up, I..." Under Chu Mubai's cold eyes, she sat back in her seat in frustration, and said to Chu Mubai: "Don't listen to his nonsense. I just saw that he has a lot of The old injury, seeing how pitiful he was, that's why I gave him the lotion. I swear, I didn't know he was from Xuantian City at first..."

"An Xin, take Han Aiqing out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation!" Chu Mubai interrupted Han Shushu with a serious expression.

At this moment, Han Shushu knew that he had really caused trouble this time.

She turned around lonely and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation under the escort of An Xin.

The moment she left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she quietly looked back, her heart was heavy, and her breathing was a little free.

Will Chu Mubai no longer trust her from now on?
After Han Shushu left, the room was dead silent.

Chu Mubai remained silent, while Lou Jinghong sipped tea leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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