Chapter 1562 Sister Comes to Pamper You (8)

Chen Hao grabbed Shuang'er's hand, and with lust again, he directly hugged her horizontally, threw her on the couch, and bullied her...

Here, Chen Hao and Shuang'er were fighting fiercely. After Han Shushu left Chuxiu Palace, he was so excited that he couldn't wait to run into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Wanxin was already in a hurry, seeing Han Shushu finally came, she stepped forward and said: "Little ancestor, it's finally here, the emperor can't wait any longer."

"Honey, I just went to Chuxiu Palace, and I saw Chen Hao and that Shuang'er making a fuss. Seeing how intoxicated they are, it should take a while. It will be a month before Chen Hao thinks of you again. Don't worry, Thirteen doesn't care about you, I won't ignore you..." Han Shushu said, but saw Wanxin's eyes turned red.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? It's not because you are too moved. You want to make a promise to me..."

Before she could finish speaking, Wanxin threw herself into her arms, and said in a choked voice, "Thank you girl. If there is no girl, the slaves don't know what to do."

"You came up with the solution. I just contributed. There is nothing to thank. At worst, you just promise me with your body—"

Because the temperature in the air dropped suddenly, the experienced Han Shushu and Wanxin pushed each other away almost at the same time, and they stood upright again, pretending that they were not familiar with each other.

Isn't that man with cold eyebrows and cold face the very possessive Chu Mubai?

"What were you doing just now?!" Chu Mubai asked in a deep voice.

How decent is it for two women to hug him behind their backs? !
"Just, Wanxin felt a little sad, so I comforted her." Han Shushu immediately showed a big smile: "Thirteen, I'm here to sleep, are you happy?"

Chu Mubai looked at her coldly: "Very well, I just want to settle the account with you last night, come in!"

Han Shushu suddenly felt confused.

She didn't enjoy it yesterday, why did Chu Mubai say he wanted to settle accounts with her.You know, she's the victim, okay?
Because of the effect of the medicine, Chu Mubai was very violent yesterday. If it wasn't for her healthy body, she would definitely not be able to stay in the bed today.

Although she had a big opinion, she obediently followed the bedroom.

"Did you dare to drug me last night?" Chu Mubai glanced at the well-behaved woman in front of him, and slightly lifted his thin lips.

"The medicine that can make the man respond is not called medicine, but a cure!" Han Shushu opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Last night she fully understood the fact that Chu Mubai's thing was not broken, it was very good.

It's just that he doesn't like her as much as before, so as soon as she touches him, she can help him put out the fire.

After reaching this conclusion, she felt that it would be better to let him not lift, because the facts are too shocking!

On the other hand, she was comforting herself, Chu Mubai always cared about face-saving, arrogant and difficult to serve, maybe he was playing with herself on purpose.

If she finds a chance, she still has to try Zhenzhang, she doesn't believe that Chu Mubai doesn't love her anymore.

"You still dare to argue?! What happened last night cannot be counted. I will punish you..."

"Why don't you punish me for going to bed every night." Han Shushu interrupted Chu Mubai with a smile on his face.

Chu Mubai was at a loss for words.

He also had the same idea, but was spoken out by this woman.

Are they a tacit understanding?

"Thirteen, I will definitely make amends, so you can rest assured to hand over your dragon body to me, and I will be satisfied with you." Han Shushu said, and climbed onto the couch on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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