Chapter 1563 Five flowers tied (2)

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Han Shushu blushed for no reason.

This dead girl, she looks really wretched.

"The maidservant thinks that the girl is good at controlling her husband, so she really admires her!" Wanxin only picked out good words that Han Shushu liked to hear.

Of course, this is also what she has in mind.Han Shushu is the most capable woman she has ever met!

Han Shushu snorted softly: "Of course! The surname Chu was tortured and cried by me again last night. If I hadn't been merciful, I would never have let him go!"

Anyway, Chu Mubai has gone to the court, so if he doesn't brag at this time, how can he be worthy of working so hard day and night like himself?
After that, Han Shushu went directly to the South Hospital to sleep and returned to the cage. When the time came, he went to the Tai Hospital to be on duty.

After another ten days or so, the relationship between Han Shushu and Chu Mubai grew stronger day by day. As for making Han Shushu a widow, Chu Mubai told Han Shushu with his actions that if he wanted to be a widow, he would probably have to wait until his next life.

Han Shushu learned one thing from Chu Mubai, the man's words are absolutely unbelievable, especially what he said on the bed.

What he said to make her a widow was actually bullying her every night.What did you say that couldn't make her more sexy? If so, who is that stinky man who works on her body every night?
During these ten days, Wanxin lived very comfortably.

Because Shuang'er seduced Chen Hao and made Chen Hao so obsessed, she had no time to provoke her, which made her feel that life was beautiful.

In a few days, the one-month period between her and Chen Hao will be here, and by then, she will be able to completely get rid of this perverted Chen Hao.

This day Wanxin was cleaning the Hall of Mental Cultivation because she was in a good mood.

She suddenly felt something strange behind her, and turned around suddenly, when she saw Chen Hao standing quietly behind her, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Why did this pervert come here all of a sudden? Didn't he want to eat, drink and have fun with Shuang'er?
Because of the backlight, Chen Hao's eyes were cold and his face was a bit blurred. His eyes were fixed on her, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Just speak up if you have anything to say." Seeing Chen Haoguang looking at her but not making a sound, Wanxin frowned and said.

Chen Hao took a few steps towards Wanxin, and when he got close, Wanxin saw his slightly gloomy expression.

"What happened?" Wan Xin didn't understand why Chen Hao looked at him with such strange eyes, and asked cautiously.

"Shuang'er is dead!" Chen Hao looked at Wanxin and said every word.

Wanxin was taken aback for a moment, the expression on her face did not change, but there was a huge wave in her heart.

These days, Shuang'er and Chen Hao, you and I, why did they die suddenly?
"I killed her!" Chen Hao seemed to know her confusion, and said quietly.

"Why did you tell me about the murder?" Wan Xin was startled inwardly, and took a few steps back without any trace.

"How long do you want to pretend? How dare you say that Shuang'er is not the palace man you brought into the palace? The purpose is to divert my attention, thinking that you can get rid of me completely!" Chen Hao clenched his lips sarcastically, step by step towards Wan The heart is approaching.

Wanxin stepped back subconsciously: "Even if I found her into the palace, it is an indisputable fact that you like her, and she makes you happy. Since a woman can satisfy you, why do you bother me again? There are so many beauties in my life, all of them are better than me, and their status is more expensive than mine, why do you keep pestering me?!"

"When I was sleeping with her, I thought she was you—"

(End of this chapter)

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