Chapter 1578 Be My Queen (1)

"Do you know why the purple scorpion is poisonous?" Chu Mubai asked in a good mood.

Han Shushu shook her head, she wasn't interested in studying that damn thing.

"It only eats the most poisonous things in the world. The more poisonous Gu worms, the more it loves them. Every time it eats more poisonous things, it hurts more when it bites. The purple scorpion hasn't eaten such delicious food for a long time. , I will play it well." Chu Mubai patiently explained Han Shushu's doubts.

"What happened in the Hall of Mental Cultivation today should have spread to Yincui Palace, right?" Han Shushu suddenly thought of that woman Qin Ruyu.

Chu Mubai saw through the Heart-eating Gu just after it came out, and now that Qin Ruyu didn't dare to act recklessly, did the so-called **** have no chance to make a move?

Before hearing Chu Mubai tell her not to worry about Gu worms, she only thought that Chu Mubai was trying to comfort her.

Looking at it today, the terrifying purple scorpion is actually the natural enemy of Gu insects.Even if Chu Mubai really got hit by the gun, with the purple scorpion around, it is impossible for Chu Mubai to be controlled by the gun.

"Naturally, it has already entered Yincui Palace. Qin Ruyu doesn't dare to attack easily anymore, she can only be anxious now." Mentioning Qin Ruyu, Chu Mubai's eyes darkened.

He roughly guessed that Qin Ruyu played an important role in Qin Zhuiyue's chess.

But he didn't know what Qin Zhuiyue wanted to do with Qin Ruyu.

Only by finding Qin Zhuiyue himself and extorting a confession by torture, can we know exactly what Qin Zhuyue is up to.

Here Chu Mubai has a lot of worries because of Qin Zhuiyue, while Yincui Palace is turned on his back.

Qin Ruyu's temper became more and more irritable day by day.

When she learned that Shi Xiuyu was caught by Chu Mubai, she worried that Chu Mubai would deal with her next.

It was precisely because of this concern that Qin Ruyu became even more angry.

When she caught someone, she taught him a lesson. The palace servants and eunuchs kneeling on the ground in Yincui Palace were all wounded.Everyone dared not speak out, so they could only let Qin Ruyu vent their anger.

Qin Ruyu whipped everyone in Yincui Palace once, and then sat on the phoenix chair to pant.

Her chest was stuffy and her breathing was not smooth, this situation was so familiar.

It's because her soul doesn't fit this body.

She dragged on the last body for five full years, but this body, for some reason, was no longer under control shortly after living in it.

She even had an illusion that she might be separated from her soul and body at any time, becoming a lonely soul without an owner.

She couldn't end up like this.

So far, she has not defeated Han Shushu.Han Shushu hadn't died at her hands, how could she die before Han Shushu?

She is not reconciled, a hundred thousand are not reconciled!
Han Shushu is not her opponent at all, why all men love Han Shushu, but no one is willing to take a second look at her?
In what way is she inferior to Han Shushu?
Under the extreme rage, Qin Ruyu felt the qi and blood surging, she couldn't control it, and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the next moment, she fainted to the ground.

Qin Ruyu's coma caused everyone to panic.

No matter how vicious Qin Ruyu was, she was still a royal concubine. If Qin Ruyu made a mistake, everyone in Yincui Palace would be held accountable.

Xiaozhu was the first to recover, she ordered someone to take care of Qin Ruyu, and then hurriedly ran to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to ask for instructions.

When Han Shushu heard Qin Ruyu vomit blood and passed out, she looked at Chu Mubai and said, "I'll go and see her!"

"It's just a poisonous woman, just ask other imperial doctors to see her." Chu Mubai was not happy.

Han Shushu's evening time belongs to him, how can he be occupied by Qin Ruyu, that vicious woman, who should belong to him?
(End of this chapter)

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