Chapter 1579 Be My Queen (2)

"Didn't you say that she is still very useful? I'll go and see if she's faking illness." Han Shushu said and got off the bed.

Anyway, she was free, if Qin Ruyu was pretending to be sick and took the opportunity to tease her, such an opportunity should not be missed.

"I'll accompany you." Chu Mubai said and got off the couch.

When Han Shushu heard his words, her eyes lit up, and she took Chu Muzhe's arm: "Thirteen, don't worry about me going alone, right?"

"You're overthinking, I'm going to see my beloved concubine, what does it have to do with you?" Chu Mubai tapped Han Shushu's head.

Han Shushu stared at Chu Mubai's back displeasedly: "Will you die if you tell the truth?"

She was obviously worried that she would be persecuted by Qin Ruyu, so she pretended!

The two went to Yincui Palace one after the other.When they arrived, Qin Ruyu was still asleep.

After Han Shushu took Qin Ruyu's pulse, he looked at Qin Ruyu's pale face for a while, and then took the pulse again.

The pulse condition is still disordered, both qi and blood are deficient, such a pulse condition is a symptom of extreme deficiency, very similar to the pulse of death.

Chu Mubai saw Han Shushu's slightly frowned eyebrows: "Is the concubine's illness unusual?"

Han Shushu nodded truthfully: "The pulse condition is chaotic. Generally, only people with deep inner strength have such a chaotic pulse condition after they have become obsessed. And her body is very weak, so weak that she may die at any time."

This is exactly where she was puzzled.Could it be that it was also because Qin Ruyu's body was not suitable for Leng Ying to live in that such a phenomenon of soul-body repelling each other appeared?

"The imperial concubine is dying?" Chu Mubai's eyes flickered slightly.

How can this be?

If Qin Ruyu was an important pawn in Qin Zhuiyue's hands, she would have no reason to die so soon.

It doesn't make sense.

Unless he was wrong in judgment!

"Her situation is not optimistic."

Han Shushu looked at Xiaozhu who was waiting at the side, and asked her: "Is the imperial concubine beating and scolding you often recently? Does she have a bad temper?!"

Seeing that Chu Mubai was present, Xiaozhu didn't dare to hide anything, and nodded truthfully: "Just before the empress fell ill, she beat the slaves. Recently, the empress has a very big temper. She insults the slaves when she moves, and whips them when she is serious. Moss, the servants are miserable."

Han Shushu nodded in understanding.

Seeing everyone in Yincui Palace trembling slightly, and some even standing unsteadily, it is clear that Xiaozhu did not exaggerate the facts.

She then gave Qin Ruyu an injection, and Qin Ruyu woke up slowly. The moment he saw her, his face changed slightly, and he was about to have a seizure when he saw Chu Mubai beside him.

Surprised and delighted, she hurriedly greeted Chu Mubai.

Han Shushu felt Qin Ruyu's pulse again, and found that her previously disordered pulse had improved at this moment.It's just shortness of breath, such a pulse condition can't be good.

Chu Mubai avoided Qin Ruyu's ceremony, Qin Ruyu seemed unable to see his estrangement, and asked again: "May the emperor sit with my concubine for a while and talk?"

"Han Aiqing, since the noble concubine is fine, you can escort me back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Chu Mubai didn't look at Qin Ruyu at all, and ordered Han Shushu directly.

Although Han Shushu said that Qin Ruyu's pulse was strange, he didn't care.

Since Qin Ruyu is not dead, then she must be of value to be used by Qin Zhuiyue.

He just wanted to be alone with Han Shushu at the moment, how could he have extra time for Qin Ruyu, a poisonous woman?

When Qin Ruyu saw that Chu Mubai was embarrassing herself in public, the smile on her face disappeared without a trace, her eyes were gloomy, and she stared at Han Shushu firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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