Chapter 1597 The Barbaric Emperor (4)

Han Shushu glanced at Yuan Bao.

Her son is so young and still growing, he cannot be abused.

She glanced at Chu Mubai secretly, and took a piece of braised pork while he wasn't paying attention. Before she had time to throw it into the little guy's bowl, Chu Mubai shouted heavily: "Han Shushu!!"

Han Shushu trembled as he grasped the chopsticks, and quickly threw the red meat into the little guy's bowl, then looked at Chu Mubai as if nothing had happened, and asked with a smile: "Please tell the emperor if you have anything to do."

Chu Mubai glanced coldly at Xiao Yuanbao, who was drooling at the braised pork.

In order to avoid Chu Mubai's vicious eyes, the little guy simply turned his back and silently put the braised pork into his little mouth.

His mother said that children have to eat meat when they grow up.And he is so young, let alone lack of meat and food.

Finding a good reason for himself, Xiao Yuanbao ate with great relish.

Seeing Chu Mubai's eyes fixed on Yuan Bao, Han Shushu also ate a piece of braised pork as quickly as possible.

But as soon as she stuffed it into her mouth, Chu Mubai's sharp eyes swept over her, so frightened that she almost spat out the meat that reached her mouth.

However, she was still very restrained, finished eating in two or three bites, and then continued to eat rice with lowered eyes as if nothing had happened.

It's so inhumane that she can't eat all the delicacies she cooks by herself.

If Chu Mubai's eyes were not too scary, she would definitely resist his cold violence!
Chu Mubai was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

The mother and son have the same thick skins.The big ones are like this, and the small ones are even more like this. They don't pay attention to him as the emperor at all.

"Thirteen, why don't you eat it?" Han Shushu looked at the food eagerly and swallowed.

If he doesn't eat, can she eat it for him?

Chu Mubai was extremely angry, and looked at Han Shushu coldly.

Han Shushu blinked his big innocent eyes lightly, took a piece of fish into Chu Mubai's bowl, and put a smile on his face: "Try it, this steamed fish tastes pretty good, it's fresh and delicious."

After she finished speaking, she winked at Little Yuan Bao, signaling the little guy to eat quickly, and she will deal with the Emperor named Chu!

After all, it was mother and child who bonded, Xiao Yuanbao saw through Han Shushu's intention at a glance.

He eats without haste.

When Chu Mubai looked at him, he pretended that he was blind, eat first and talk later, isn't the beauty of his mother responsible for everything?
In order to divert Chu Mubai's attention, Han Shushu decided to use a beauty trick.

She quickly moved to Chu Mubai's side, took a piece of green vegetables and handed it to Chu Mubai's lips: "Thirteen, try my cooking skills, I think I have grown up again."

Of course Chu Mubai didn't want to pay attention to Han Shushu, after all, he was still angry.

But seeing her earnest eyes, he couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he opened his mouth unconsciously.

"Is it delicious?" Han Shushu looked straight at Chu Mubai, unable to hide the expectation in his eyes.

Chu Mubai snorted softly: "It's unpalatable!"

"Then change another dish!" Han Shushu was not afraid of being hit at all, and put another dish into Chu Mubai's mouth.

Chu Mubai opened his mouth to eat obediently, "It's unpalatable!"

Xiao Yuanbao was immersed in his meal, and seeing Chu Mubai's attention being taken away by Han Shushu, he shook his head and sighed unconsciously.

When he becomes emperor in the future, he must not be like Chu Mubai to be a foolish emperor.A single sentence from a woman can coax Chu Mubai into submission. This is so unprincipled that she doesn't even look like a wise gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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