Chapter 1598 The Barbaric Emperor (5)

Of course, only a beauty like his mother can fascinate a man.

At this moment, Xiao Yuanbao admired Han Shushu a little more.

When Chu Mubai found out that he had been hit by the beauty timer, Xiao Yuanbao had already eaten and drank enough, and he was burping while touching his chubby belly.

As for Han Shushu, he has already finished two bowls of rice and one bowl of soup, and he is obviously full and stupid.

He didn't even know why things had turned out like this.It was obvious that he was angry, but why was Han Shushu leading him by the nose in the end?
The more Chu Mubai thought about it, the more depressed he became. He was about to leave the East Palace and be quiet for a while, but Han Shushu chased him out and followed behind him silently.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her sneaky figure, and the previous anger surged again.

She had said before that she was going to leave him, and he thought it was something she would do...

He paused, turned back to Han Shushu, and pulled her into his arms fiercely: "Say, you will never abandon me in this life!"

"Of course, where can I find such a good Thirteen? Actually, it's because I didn't dream about my son when I was dreaming. How can I not want you?"

As soon as Han Shushu finished speaking, Chu Mubai hugged him even tighter.

"We're leaving the palace now!" Chu Mubai said hoarsely.

Do what you want to do now, there is no need to procrastinate.

"Now?" Han Shushu was taken aback.

Chu Mubai nodded.Just because Han Shushu wanted to leave the palace, they were the only family.That being the case, it's time for them to go out of the palace to play.

When Chu Mubai held Han Shushu with one hand and Xiao Yuanbao with the other, leaving everyone behind to leave the palace, everyone was dumbfounded, including Han Shushu himself.

For so many years, no matter where Chu Mubai went, Chu Yun and Xiaocao would always accompany him. Wanxin was one of the personal servants, and she would definitely follow Chu Mubai.

But this time, Chu Mubai didn't take anyone with him, just a family of three went out of the palace.

Because he was worried about Wanxin staying in the palace, Han Shushu insisted on taking Wanxin with him.

In the end, Wanxin wanted to stay.

Wanxin has her own considerations.

She felt that she had lost her innocence anyway, and that was the worst possible situation.

Chu Mubai is the current saint, it is impossible to protect her all the time, she should learn to face Chen Hao by herself and handle her own affairs well.

Han Shushu couldn't resist Wanxin, and gave Wanxin thousands of instructions, so he left the palace with Chu Mubai and his son.

Chu Yun, Xiaocao and Wanxin stood side by side in front of the palace gate, staring at the back of the happy family in front of them in a daze.

Their hearts are empty.

Xiaocao stared blankly at the backs of Han Shushu's mother and son leaving, feeling like a block in her heart.

"Xiaocao, I can also give you a home." Chu Yun turned to look at Xiaocao.

He felt that what he thought in his heart was what Xiaocao wanted.

Home is where everyone's heart goes, and everyone will have a home in the end.He and Xiaocao are getting older, shouldn't they settle down?
Xiaocao regained her senses, glanced at Chu Yun, and left without looking back.

Wanxin was stunned for a while, turned around and was about to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but found Chen Hao standing behind her at some point.

Normally, Chu Ning and Chu Yan would help her block people, but now that Chu Mubai was out of the palace, the two hidden guards would naturally accompany Chu Mubai to take care of her.

She glanced at Chen Hao and walked past him.

"Without Chu Mubai's care at this moment, you will become a plaything in my palm—"

(End of this chapter)

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