Chapter 1611 Unmarried Pregnancy (2)

"Now he is at a disadvantage. As long as you maintain your current strength, he will never think of raising his head in front of you in this life..."

Han Shushu's mouth was full of foam, and the girls listened with great interest, thinking that this so-called "man's art" seemed very reasonable.

After all, if Han Shushu can hold a few beautiful men firmly in his palm, he knows that this woman is proficient in this skill.

In fact, only Han Shushu herself knew that she could brag with just one mouth.She herself doesn't know why Qin Zhuiyue is so attached to her. As for Chu Mubai falling into her hands, it's because she has a thick skin that she can throw down the male god, right?

On the other side, the main hall of the South Court.

As soon as Han Shushu left, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Chu Mubai drank tea gracefully.

If he was still a little anxious before, now he has figured out a reason.

There are indeed some men who like Han Shushu, but Han Shushu's heart is on him.

He firmly held the upper hand, and there was no need to worry that Han Shushu would be abducted by other men.

Just because he was confident, he didn't put Qin Zhuiyue and Lou Jinghong in his eyes.

Now, as long as he sees through Qin Zhuiyue's tricks, he can drive away his rival in love, and if necessary, he can kill Qin Zhuyue.

"Qin Zhuiyue, as the king of Northern Qin, why do you have time to hang out with me in Southern Chu?" Chu Mubai broke the silence quietly.

Qin Zhuiyue smiled, his eyebrows lightly raised, and he was very romantic: "Shu'er once told me, don't push yourself too close, and you should relax yourself while you are busy, and enjoy life."

Chu Mubai's face remained unchanged, but his heart sank slightly.

This would indeed be what that woman said. Unexpectedly, Han Shushu was so kind to Qin Zhuiyue before.

"Tomorrow night, it will be full moon." Qin Zhuiyue said in a fluttering voice.

Chu Mubai's heart skipped a beat.

Tomorrow night is indeed a full moon, Qin Zhuiyue suddenly mentioned the date of the full moon, is what he is going to do related to the full moon?

That's right, the soul-changing technique must be performed on a full moon night...

Chu Mubai was immersed in his own thoughts, and Lou Jinghong's mood was also surging.

He overheard Qin Zhuiyue's soul-changing plan, but Qin Zhuiyue actually mentioned the night of the full moon in front of Chu Mubai. Why did he always feel that there was a fraud in it?

According to Qin Zhuiyue's scheming, if he really wanted to perform the soul-changing technique on the night of the full moon, why did he specially remind Chu Mubai?

No matter how you look at it, it feels weird!

The three men have their own concerns and schemes.

That night.

After confirming that Han Shushu was asleep, Chu Mubai got up and went outside Shuzhai, only to see Chu Yun waiting for a long time, and there was another person standing behind him, it was Chu Yingchen.

"Your Majesty, I found out that Qin Zhuiyue really plans to perform the soul-changing technique on the night of the full moon, and the soul-changing targets are Shu Shu and Qin Ruyu!" Chu Yingchen looked at Chu Mubai excitedly: "We have to think of a perfect plan." Otherwise, Shu Shu's body will be taken over by that vicious woman Qin Ruyu!"

Anyway, Han Shushu is also Chu Mubai's favorite person, and is the biological mother of the current crown prince, how could he be taken over by that woman Qin Ruyu?

Moreover, Qin Changting and Han Shushu have a very good relationship, and they are like sisters, so this matter must be stopped no matter what.

Chu Mubai remained silent, staring blankly at the bright moon in the night sky, as if he hadn't heard what Chu Yingchen said.

"Your Majesty?" Seeing that Chu Mubai was silent, Chu Yingchen reminded anxiously.

It was only then that Chu Mubai seemed to have come to his senses, and slowly shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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