Chapter 1612 Unmarried Pregnancy (3)

"This matter is not going to be that simple. Qin Zhuiyue is scheming. If he really wanted Shu Shu and Qin Ruyu to change their souls, why would he deliberately remind me today to give me time to prepare?"

"But this matter is indeed believable! Qin Ruyu was sent to the Nanchu Palace. She is the most important chess piece of Qin Zhuiyue. Only the soul-changing technique can make Qin Ruyu play the greatest role, isn't it?! Your Majesty, time Not much, tomorrow is the full moon!" Chu Yingchen said anxiously.

"Forget it, you go and prepare first. You must dispatch troops and generals before tomorrow night. I want to see how Qin Zhuiyue will perform the soul-changing technique under my nose!" Chu Mubai said to Chu Yingchen.

Chu Yingchen responded and left.

"Chu Yun, go and find King Xiaoyao, I need him for something!" Chu Mubai ordered to Chu Yun.

"Yes!" Chu Yun replied, and walked away immediately.

Chu Mubai paced back and forth in the courtyard, feeling that Qin Zhuiyue's plot had already begun.

As for what Qin Zhuiyue's specific conspiracy was, he couldn't guess it.

But it is absolutely impossible to be a simple soul-changing technique, it must be a bigger conspiracy than the soul-changing technique!
What is it?

It was the first time that Chu Mubai realized that something was out of his control.If he can't discover Qin Zhuiyue's conspiracy early, he won't be able to break the trap Qin Zhuyue set up.

He must have missed something important!
While Chu Mubai waited anxiously, Nangong hurried to the south courtyard.

Chu Mubai expressed his concerns in this way, Nangong frowned and listened.

He looked up at Yeyue and muttered to himself: "It must not be a soul-changing technique!"

"You have learned all the skills of Xiaoyao, and you are also the best at profound arts. You should know what other profound arts can make Qin Zhuiyue have the chance to win besides the soul-changing art." Chu Mubai frowned, and suddenly felt that his chest was not in the right place. Comfortable.

He looked back at Shu Zhai, it was very quiet there...

He seemed to be possessed by a demon, walking towards Shuzhai step by step.

"Your Majesty, in addition to the soul-changing technique, there is time travel!" Nangong's voice sounded behind Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai's footsteps faltered, and the blood on his face quickly drained.

He suddenly remembered that Han Shushu was brought to this time and space by him, Chu Xiaoyao, and Xiaocao.

Could it be that Qin Zhuiyue wants to use the same method to bring Han Shushu into another time and space?
He rushed into Shuzhai at the fastest speed, and when he saw that there was no one on the couch, his expression changed again.

He told himself to calm down.

He was at this place just now, and it was impossible for Han Shushu to come out from the main entrance.The only possibility is that Qin Zhuiyue secretly set up a secret passage in Shuzhai.

He suppressed his panic, and soon found the location of the secret channel mechanism on the couch.

As soon as he rushed into the secret passage, Nangong followed him.

Then another person followed in, wasn't it Xiaocao?
The three rushed forward in a tacit understanding. When they saw a strong light not far ahead, they rushed into the strong light circle at the fastest speed.

Just as the circle of light was about to disappear, another person rushed in, and it was Lou Jinghong.

Everyone felt dizzy, and soon became confused.

Before Chu Mubai was swallowed by the darkness, the past about him and Han Shushu flashed into his mind, and the scenes were as clear as what happened yesterday...

Han Shushu didn't know how long she had slept. She opened her indispensable eyes and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After watching for a while, she suddenly jumped up.

(End of this chapter)

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