Chapter 1613 Unmarried Pregnancy (4)

Han Shushu sat on the bed blankly, his thoughts were in a mess.

The sun was shining outside the window, but she was still sleeping, and she had to go to work later.

Ever since she was kicked out of the house by Nangong...

No, that was a long time ago.

She remembered that Nangong pushed herself down in order to save Leng Ying. She was severely burned in the fire, her face was beyond recognition, and her life was worse than death.

Now she can only stay in this room every day, unable to go out to see the light, living like a mouse.

She still remembers that Nangong and Lengying will get married soon.

Thinking of the happy scene of Nangong and Leng Ying walking into the church together, Han Shushu's eyes radiated strong hatred.

Why was Nangong so happy when she ended up like this?
That year, Nangong drove her out of Nan's house. She was living a good life, but he still came to provoke her...

Han Shushu buried her face between her knees in pain, and after a long time, she touched her face tremblingly.

Her face was uneven and her facial features were completely ruined. The doctor said there was no way to have a facelift.

And it was a miracle that she survived.

When Han Shushu touched her face, she felt that her skin was very smooth, not bumpy at all.

At first she thought it was her hallucination.

She took a deep breath, touched it again uncertainly, and found that her skin was not slippery.

Han Shushu pinched himself hard.

It hurts, which means it's not a dream.

She touched her face with her hands indiscriminately, and then got off the couch...

No, get out of bed!

She found the bronze mirror...

No, it's a mirror.

When Han Shushu ran to the mirror and saw his smooth and supple skin, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

Why isn't this face hurt at all?And looking young and radiant, not at all like someone who hasn't seen the sun in a long time.

Han Shushu looked at the little beauty in the mirror for a long while, but was still not sure if it was him.

She sat stupidly in front of the dressing table for a while, always feeling that she had missed something very important.

As for what it was, she couldn't remember.

She found that although her face was fine, she was not happy at all.

Han Shushu thought wildly for a long time, and suddenly thought of an important question, why is her name Han Shushu instead of Han Shu?
She is obviously Han Shu, when did she change her name? !

What's even more strange is that she felt that the name Han Shushu was her real name.

She started to rummage through the box and took out her wallet. When she saw the ID card inside, she found that her name had really been changed to Han Shushu.

She took another look at the date, and in a month's time, it will be the wedding day of Nangong and Leng Ying.

No matter what, she couldn't let those two live happier than herself.She was going to find the most poisonous curse in the world, so that the two of them could not be together for life and life.

However, her face is clear, so why does she have any reason to hate Nangong and Leng Ying?

She has been with Nangong for so many years, but Nangong has always regarded her as a ready toy.Take her out for a walk when you think it's fun, and hide her in the snow when it's not fun.It was she who was obsessed with obsession and could not see this clearly.

She looked at her strange self in the mirror again.

Where did she go wrong, her face was obviously ruined beyond human shape, how could it suddenly heal?

Han Shushu stood there for a while, then decided to go for a walk.

Maybe she walks out and finds she's only in a dream.

When she went downstairs and saw the streets with cars coming and going, she suddenly felt very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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