Chapter 1615 Unmarried Pregnancy (6)

"Are you making an international joke? I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm still a big girl. Where did the child come from?" Han Shushu muttered.

The proprietress said so, how can she hold her head up in the future?

"You really don't have a boyfriend?" The proprietress looked Han Shushu up and down, trying to find evidence of lying from her face.

Han Shushu blushed and replied loudly, "100% sure!"

If she really wanted a boyfriend, she wouldn't be Nangong's follower all the time, and she wouldn't end up in the current situation.

"But you really look like you're pregnant..." the proprietress muttered softly.

The female guest who just came in heard this and nodded in response: "It's really similar. When I was pregnant with my child, I also felt like vomiting when I smelled leeks."

Han Shushu's face turned pale, and he replied hoarsely, "Don't scare me!"

She looked at her stomach, it was flat, it didn't look like there was a little person in it.

If she is really pregnant, will she give birth?
Aware of what he was thinking, Han Shushu slapped himself in the face.

There is something wrong with her.I don't even have a man, how could I possibly conceive a child?
Seeing everyone looking at her with strange eyes, she simply left the Northeast Noodle Restaurant.Originally, she wanted to go upstairs directly, but she happened to pass by a pharmacy. She went in there by accident, and bought a pregnancy test stick by accident.

She almost threw the pregnancy test away when she found out what she had done.

In the end, as if she had done something wrong, she covered her face and walked out of the pharmacy, then quickly ran upstairs.

After returning home, she looked at the instructions. When she was about to take a pregnancy test, she suddenly felt that this was too troublesome. Wouldn't it be more direct to take the pulse?
She felt her own pulse very naturally, and felt that the pulse was smooth and smooth, and it was clearly the Xi pulse...

It took Han Shushu a while to realize what he was doing.

How can she feel the pulse?Why do you still think this is a happy pulse?

Han Shushu felt more and more like a psychopath. If she hadn't experienced hallucinations, she wouldn't believe it.

Obviously his face is ruined, but he feels that his face is not ruined.

Going out to eat dumplings, but felt that outsiders were saying that she was happy. Could it be that she was crazy about her child?

Han Shushu paced back and forth indoors, thinking that he should go to a mental hospital to see a doctor.

But before that, you still can't waste the pregnancy test kit.

She went into the toilet and waited for the result.

When she saw the two obvious purple lines on the pregnancy test stick, she frowned again.

At this time, Han Shushu finally confirmed one thing, that he was really crazy.

Not only was she insane, she was hallucinating. She was so stupid that she thought she was not disfigured and she was pregnant with a child.

After that, Han Shushu felt that he was not qualified to harm others.She found the phone number of a mental hospital on the Internet, and she voluntarily surrendered: "My name is Han Shushu. I am 25 years old. I am mentally ill. I live in Room 17, No. 602, Southwest Road. Come and arrest me..."

After hanging up the phone, Han Shushu lay quietly on the bed, waiting for the doctor from the mental hospital to catch him.

While she is still a little rational, it is the best result to voluntarily surrender.

You can't wait until things get out of hand to regret it.

She didn't expect that after waiting, no one came to arrest her from daytime to nighttime.

And she herself was so hungry, she touched the refrigerator to see if there was any food that could fill her belly.

When she opened the refrigerator, she saw a refrigerator full of meat and vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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