Chapter 1616 Unmarried Pregnancy (7)

Han Shushu was dumbfounded again.

Is she hallucinating again?
She weakly turned back to the sofa and lay down. Later, she was so hungry that she gritted her teeth and opened the refrigerator. When she saw so much food in it, she quickly cooked for herself, fried a large bowl of braised pork, and a bowl of seasonal vegetables .

She gobbled it all the way, until she was too full to move at the end, and burped loudly before washing the dishes.

Early the next morning, she called yesterday's mental hospital again, and this time the other party directly hung up on her.

In desperation, she found another mental hospital.

Unexpectedly, she just said her name, and the other party hung up the phone very readily.

In the end, she searched all the mental hospitals in the city, and they all had the same reaction.As long as you hear the three words "Han Shushu", the other party must hang up the phone.

There was nothing wrong with it, so Han Shushu decided to go downstairs to find the proprietress of the noodle shop to see if he was really crazy.

When the proprietress heard Han Shushu's question, she burst into tears with laughter: "Silly girl, I think you are fine, what kind of mental illness does it look like?"

"Really? Why do I feel that everything is an illusion now?" Han Shushu grabbed the proprietress's hand tightly, looked at the proprietress pitifully, and hoped that she could save his poor self.

"It's probably because you haven't come out for a long time that you're suspicious. Xiao Shu, trust me once, you're fine and healthy!" the proprietress said calmly.

Han Shushu was silent, and turned to look at the sunny world.

Is she really thinking too much?Her face has healed, and she is pregnant again out of nowhere. Are these things within the normal range?
"Xiao Shu, are you really not pregnant?" The proprietress asked a lot.

Han Shushu recovered from his stupor, and suddenly remembered that the pregnancy was indeed a mystery.

She hurried out of the noodle shop and went to the nearest hospital. When she registered, she found that there was no one in front of her.

She looked at the hospital where people were coming and going, and felt very strange.

There are obviously many patients who see a doctor, but why no one sees a gynecologist?
Under her confusion, the test results came out quickly.

She is indeed pregnant with the baby, and the baby is a month old.

When Han Shushu heard the news, he looked at his flat stomach with complicated eyes.

She looked at the smiling female doctor and said solemnly, "Doctor, I want you to check if my membrane is still there."

The doctor was dumbfounded, and looked at Han Shushu strangely, as if he was seeing a mental illness.

In the end, the doctor agreed to help her do a checkup.

After the examination, the doctor said with certainty: "You are no longer virgin!"

If you even have children, you still have to check the membranes. Isn't this stupid?
Han Shushu floated out of the hospital.

She is no longer a virgin, and she is pregnant with a child.After waking up from sleep, her ruined face suddenly healed completely, and then she discovered a very strange thing, she hated Nangong and Leng Ying so much, why now she doesn't seem to have such a strong hatred for them Woolen cloth?
She went home and fell asleep on the sofa.

Not long after, she fell asleep.

In the dream, there were many people who were entangled with her, but she couldn't see their faces clearly...

Han Shushu woke up from the dream only because she saw a lot of men in ancient costumes. At that time, she was also wearing ancient costumes, talking and laughing with them, and there was a hot boat scene when she had sex with a man.

(End of this chapter)

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