Chapter 1630 Her Husband (5)

Chu Mubai couldn't see Han Shushu's wet eyes, he pressed her into his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, "I should have come to your world earlier, I should have come earlier."

It turned out that the Han Shushu he knew was only a small part, and the Han Shushu here was actually not so strong, nor was he so fond of laughing.

Maybe in the world she created, she was more confident.In this world, like many people, she is not living well, but she still strives to be happy.

"Chu Mubai, who are you?" Han Shushu asked in a muffled voice while hiding in the man's warm embrace.

She knew that this was a man she could rely on, but she still cared about his origin and history.

The man's deep laughter sounded above her head: "I am your husband. You will know everything in the future, take your time, don't rush."

"Is my name change related to you?" Han Shushu asked tentatively.

"You are always Shushu, my own Shushu." Chu Mubai's kiss fell on the top of Han Shushu's head.

Han Shushu was silent.

Well, this sounds like lines and dialogues that a domineering male protagonist would have.

"Then what's in my stomach has something to do with it?" Han Shushu asked curiously.

She always felt that the little things in her stomach were the seeds that Chu Mubai planted.As for why, she can only say that it is a kind of intuition.

Chu Mubai laughed again, his shaking chest made Han Shushu's heart burn.

"Except for me, who would dare to plant a baby in your body?!" Chu Mubai smiled lightly and hooked his lips.

Han Shushu rolled his eyes indecently this time.

This man is really arrogant and arrogant.It was as if no other man in this world dared to touch her except him.

But when she thought of having sex with this handsome man, she was a little curious about whether he had a good figure.And how could she be able to sleep with a beautiful man like Chu Mubai.

At this time, she really wanted to ask Chu Mubai if he was blind and actually liked her.

During the following lunch time, Chu Mubai took good care of her.

For the first time, Han Shushu felt that being a woman was such a happy and beautiful thing.

She felt like a baby that Chu Mubai was holding in her palm, afraid of melting in her mouth, and afraid of falling in her palm.

After lunch, Chu Mubai's face changed a little after receiving a call.

He glanced at her, walked to the window sill and talked to the person on the phone.

I don't know what he said, Chu Mubai's face was a bit cold, it was very different from the spring breeze when he faced her, it looked like a demon who had walked out of hell, with an air of not getting close to strangers all over his body. breath.

After half an hour, Chu Mubai finally hung up the phone.

Han Shushu, who was peeking, straightened his sitting posture immediately, and Chu Mubai walked up to her without speaking, just kept looking down at her.

Han Shushu's palms were sweating, and he muttered, "What's the matter?"

Why do you look at her like this? It's scary.

"I'm not at home these two days. I have to go out if I have something to do. Be obedient and don't go out to cause trouble. Also, take care of our children." Chu Mubai sat down beside her, leaning his head on her lap Shoulder.

The hormonal aura emanating from his body made her heart beat faster, and at the moment when she was flustered, he suddenly bit her earlobe.

Han Shushu knew that his face must be blushing.

Forgive her for being a big girl with yellow flowers, and she has never been so close to any man before.

(End of this chapter)

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